WSF Free Palestine

On August 28, Israel is tried for the murder of the girl which was
crushed 9 years ago by a bulldozer that demolished Palestinian homes.
People around the world protest demanding justice and an end to
Israeli occupation. Three months before the start of the World Social
Forum Free Palestine (November 28 and December 1), a historic global
event that is built by dozens of civil society organizations in
Brazil, Palestinian and the world in general, the date highlights the
urgency this initiative.

Israel in the dock

The Court of Haifa announces on the 28 the verdict on the death of
American activist Rachel Corrie, who was killed on March 16, 2003, at
23 years of age. A Caterpillar bulldozer driven by Israeli military
deliberately ran over three times when she posed as a human shield to
try to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian home in Rafah refugee
camp in the Gaza Strip.

Even though Israeli tribunals have demonstrated repeatedly that they
guarantee impunity of Israel and its military over respect for human
rights and international law, in 2005 the parents of the activist,
Cindy and Craig, started a long criminal case against the Minister of
Defence at the time and the State of Israel. 15 hearings and dozens of
testimonies have helped to keep the memory and the value of solidarity
with Palestine alive.

Sharing this vision, the WSF Free Palestine will be a space to break
impunity, promote international law and strengthen solidarity at a
global level.

Ethnic cleansing

The action that killed Rachel Corrie, an activist with the ISM
(International Solidarity Movement), was reported a day after the
Israeli newspaper Haaretz as “routine”. Unfortunately, military
harassment, torture and murders committed by the Israeli army against
the Palestinian people are routine. Thousands of homes continue to be
arbitrarily demolished in the occupied Palestinian territories as part
of Israel’s strategy of giving sequence to a deliberate plan to expel
Palestinians. This Israeli strategy started according to Palestinian
and Israeli historians already before its creation, 15 May 1948. In
six months, 530 villages were destroyed and 800,000 Palestinians
expelled from their homes.

Today the forced displacement of Palestinians from their homes
continues. This month Israel announced the impending destruction of 12
Palestinian communities and the expulsion of its over 1500
inhabitants. Since the beginning of this this year, more than 2000
people have been affected by forced displacement by Israel. These
crimes aim to make the creation of a free and independent Palestinian
state impossible.

Rachel Corrie is not an isolated case even among victim advocates.
Others have been killed and wounded in solidarity for the Palestinian
struggle. Although she was unable to prevent a Palestinian home more
was added to the sad statistic, Rachel, with her heroic gesture,
contributed to the increase of the number of international activists
and the growth of solidarity with Palestine. The fight for justice for
her family has alerted the world to the plight of Palestinians,
swelling the ranks of those who demand the end of the policy of
occupation, apartheid, ethnic cleansing. Beyond the court case, the
parents of Rachel Corrie are fighting for governments and businesses
break contracts with Caterpillar bulldozer brand that murdered their
daughter and continues to collaborate with ethnic cleansing in
Palestine. Recently, they obtained a victory for the BDS movement –
which claims boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel until
Israel complies with international law – when Caterpillar lost the
investments of the powerful American investment fund TIAA-CREF.

The family will interview shortly after the announcement of the verdict.

The World Social Forum Free Palestine

The World Social Forum Free Palestine in Brazil, scheduled for
November 28 to December 1 will be a demonstration of global
solidarity, with many self-organized activities, speakers y
personalities who will talk about ways to transform reality in the
Palestinian lands.

Major conferences will be held along the five thematic axes:

Self-determination and right of return; human rights and international
law; social movements and forms of resistance; For a world without
walls and without racism; BDS and strategies of struggle. Also
scheduled are concerts and cultural shows. On November 29, a large
event is planned to celebrate the International Day of Solidarity with
the Palestinian People.

Information about Rachel Corrie case:

Tel: Stacy Sullivan at +972-52-952-2143 or +972-54-280-7572


Follow the trial on Twitter: @ rcfoundation
Follow and take part in the protests
#wsfpalestine #rachelcorrie
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Information about the WSF Free Palestine:


#wsfpalestine #rachelcorrie

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