Special Palestine

Boletim FSM

June 20th 201





Right to Return – International Refugee Day

Palestinian Film Festival, Matucana 100

6th Arab Film Festival

Freedom Flotilla


9th anniversary of the International Court of Justice concerning the construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and 6th anniversary of the Palestinian Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel (BDS) – Call for military embargo against Israel





Internatioanl Forum for Solidarity with the Palestinian People



Photo: Palestinan Photos (Fences)


Palestine call: Liberation of Ameer Makhoul and other political prisioners

While we are united, as members of the International Council of World Social Forum,  in meetings in Paris,  we ask for the immediate release of Ameer Makhoul and all Palestinian political prisoners who have been illegally detained and condemned under Israeli military orders. More than a year ago Ameer Makhoul, an active member of the WSF International Council and coordinator of Ittijah, the Union of Arab Community Associations and a leader in the movement for the protection of the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel, was arrested by Israel. Read more




Pro-Palestine Forum will be held in Brazil in 2012

November 2012 was the month chosen to hold an international solidarity demonstration with the Palestinian people for sovereignty and against the occupation. The proposal was born in the World Forum of Education in 2010. It was organized inside the WSF process and made educators and activists from different places and cultures witness the daily drama of living alongside guns and occupation’s check points. Read more

Photo: Soraya Misleh




Introducing the BDS Movement

The global movement for a campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights was initiated by Palestinian civil society in 2005. BDS is a strategy that allows people of conscience to play an effective role in the Palestinian struggle for justice. is shaped by a rights-based approach and highlights the three broad sections of the Palestinian people: the refugees, those under military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Palestinians in Israel. Read more




Creation of the Palestinian Trade Union Coalition for BDS

Celebrating May First (Workers’ Day and International Solidarity Day) the first conference of Palestinian trade unions for the boycott, divestment and sactions against Israel (BDS) was held in Ramallah on April 30th, organized by almost all Palestinian trade unions, including federations, professional unions and union blocks representing almost the whole political spectrum of the Palestinian political parties. The Conference marked a historic event: the creation of the Palestinian Trade Unions Coalition for BDS (PTUC-BDS) as the major coaliation of Palestinian trade unions. CS and EN



Freedom for Palestine in song

In the UK international musicians are releasing a historic single ‘Freedom for Palestine’ by OneWorld. By getting a chart hit on Palestine they hope to send a message of solidarity with the Palestinian people and call for an end to the occupation.The week of release is the 3-10 July for the anniversary of the International Court of Justice opinion that the Apartheid Wall being built by Israel in the West Bank is illegal and should be torn down. Money raised from the single will go to UK charity War on Want to support Stop the Wall. Read more 




Launch of Plant-a-Tree in Palestine

Part of the Stop the Jewish National Fund (JNF) Campaign, the project Plant-a-Tree in Palestine seeks to support the on-going struggle of Palestinians to sustain and rebuild their land by providing resources for villages to plant trees that are indigenous to Palestine’s natural environment and agricultural life. With time, the project will be expanded in order to raise funds for gardens in schools, kindergartens and community spaces that the JNF and the Israeli State also try to destroy. Read more



Nakba Clipping: To mark the Palestinian tragedy




On the borders, for the right to return (PT)

The Struggle for Palestinian Rights Must Intensify (EN

At Occuppied Palestine’s doorstep (EN

Nakba: manifestations celebrated throughout the world in solidarity to the Palestinian people (ES)

"Of course they never returned” (PT)

Several Killed, Hundreds Wounded by Israel in Nakba Commemorations in West Bank, Lebanon (EN)

Nakba in Qalandiya (PT) (FR)

To mark the Palestinian tragedy (PT

End the NAKBA! Stop the War! (PT) (EN)

Act in MASP recalls the 60 years of the Palestinian catastrophe, Nakba (PT)

At the borders of Gaza (PT) (FR)

Images of May 15th (PT

Testimonials of the Palestinian Nakba (PT)

As Long As the Olive Trees Live… (EN)





Golan: Israeli army opened fire on the crowd… (FR)

Ameer Makhoul – One year since his imprisonment but our aspiration to Liberty remains more alive than ever (FR)

Letter to Gaza’s pain (FR)

Palestinian Territories – a journalist arrested for targeting an Israeli soldier, other journalists injured (FR)

Call to save history, culture and heritage of the Lifta village (FR)

Al Jazeera


Nakba, rebels and reporters (EN)

Israeli troops clamp down on ‘Nakba’ protest at Qalandia – in pictures (EN)

Nakba day violence on the Israel-Lebanon border – in pictures (EN)

Palestinians killed in ‘Nakba’ clashes (EN)

Palestine Papers: Why I blew the whistle (EN)

Arab League seeks UN recognition of Palestine (EN)

Palestine Papers: Why I blew the whistle (EN)

Arab League seeks UN recognition of Palestine (EN)

Palestina Libre


Declaration of the II Freedom Flotilla to the United Nations Human Rights Committee (CS)





Support the Galician activism that sails to Gaza! (GL)

Five Galician activists will travel in the 2nd Freedom Flotilla (GL)

Omar Barghutti: “The BDS Campaign exists because the International Community doesn’t keep its word (GL)




2011: An Arab springtime? (EN)

South Africa and Palestine: Civil Resistance and Conflict Resolution (FR)



Carta Maior


Protests of May 15th are "recreated" by mainstream media. Video shows manipulation (PT)

Peace or war in September 2011? (PT)

What’s so funny about it? (PT)

Desmond Tutu, Israel and me (PT)

Palestine: a leader of pacific resistance speaks (PT)

Ethnic cleansing of Palestines, or Democratic Israel in action (PT)



Photos, videos, audios and caricatures


 Photo: Zoriah / Palestinan Photos (Check point)



Al Nakba: www.alnakba.org/photo/photo.htm

Palestinian Photos: http://palestinianphotos.org



Palestina Libre: www.palestinalibre.org/caricaturas.php?a=1



WSFTV: Catalonian Social Forum (CSF): Conference “Struggles and solidarity for Palestine” (CA)

Palestine Remembered: http://www.palestineremembered.com e http://www.palestineremembered.com/SiteVideos.html

Manifestación en Nabi Saleh Demo: http://www.youtube.com/embed/eQ9BLW2TEw0

Así se comporta el ejército de Israel: http://www.youtube.com/embed/W9IcxK-jwjA

Palestine Song Dedicated To The Murdered Vittorio Arrigoni: http://www.youtube.com/embed/1YZc7bPtxUc

Qalandia Refugees Camp, in Qalandia check point front of Jerusalem:




Part of the Stop the Jewish National Fund (JNF) Campaign, the project Plant-a-Tree in Palestine seeks to support the on-going struggle of Palestinians to sustain and rebuild their land by providing resources for villages to plant trees that are indigenous to Palestine’s natural environment and agricultural life. With time, the project will be expanded in order to raise funds for gardens in schools, kindergartens and community spaces that the JNF and the Israeli State also try to destroy



Radio Intifada: Movementos of Herak Shababi youth in the West Bank: Newsletter 14: We will return means we will return – news 12 (a special edition on the Nakba Day : www.radiointifada.net  


* Special thanks to: Maren Mantovani (Stop the Wall), Soraya Misleh, Rita Freire (both from Ciranda)and the team of Palestinian Photos.



Event: Right to Return – International Refugee Day
Location: University of São Paulo (USP), Faculty of Geography Auditorium, São Paulo, Brazil.
Date: June 20th

Contact: Frente Palestina USP: www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=100002290188700
Centro Acadêmico Guimarães Rosa: www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.php?eid=211049788933093

Event: Palestinian Film Festival, Matucana 100
Location: Matucana 100 Cultural Center, Santiago, Chile

Date: until June 29th
Contact: matucana100@m100.cl
Website: www.m100.cl

Event: 6th Arab Film Festival

Local: Cine SESC, São Paulo, Brazil
Data: until June 29th
Contact: +55 11 3087 0500
Website: www.icarabe.org – program: www.mundoarabe2011.icarabe.org/

Event: Freedom Flotilla
Date: end of June
Website: www.savegaza.eu/eng/index.php

Event: 9th anniversary of the International Court of Justice concerning the construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and 6th anniversary of the Palestinian Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel (BDS) – Call for military embargo against Israel

Date: July 09th
Contact: global@stopthewall.org and info@bdsmovement.net
Websites: www.stopthewall.org and www.bdsmovement.net/


Event: International Forum for Solidarity with the Palestinian People
Location: Brazil
Date: November 2012

WSF Oline


a) International Ciranda of Independent Information

Ciranda is an initiative taken by participants of the WSF that work together in order to organize shared coverage of events from the standpoint, work and solidarity and collective actions of alternative media. Currently, articles on the coup d’Etat in Honduras are featured on the website. Read more

b) Radio Social Forum

Learn more on the Radio Social Forum, a space shared by the radio broadcasters participating in the World Social Forum process, which produces free information on radio broadcast format. Read more

c) Open FSM

Get to know the social network that gathers activists and militants of all around the world identified with the WSF Charter of Principles. This open virtual space allows the exchange of information and the realization of debates between the participants of the Forum process and those who are interested. Read more


The website WSF TV keeps on exhibiting audiovisual productions related to themes of the World Social Forum. This internet portal can be used to host videos recorded by any person or organization identified with the WSF Charter of Principles.Read more

e) Virtual Media Center

A Virtual Press Room created to contribute to the 2010 World Social Forum Process as one of the references for journalists / means of communication to follow the events happening towards the 2011 WSF in Dakar. In it you will find press kits, news, releases in several languages, clipping, and also material as symbols and other high-resolution images. Read more

To send any content suggestions and/or receive the WSF newsletter please write to fsmsite @ forumsocialmundial.org.br with "SUGGESTION" and/or "REGISTRATION" on the subject line.

WSF Office – Brazil
Rua General Jardim, 660, 7th floor, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 01223-010

email: fsminfo@forumsocialmundial.org.br


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