Several Killed, Hundreds Wounded by Israel in Nakba Commemorations in West Bank, Lebanon

Israel reports that several hundred Syrians crossed the border into the occupied Syrian Golan, after which the Israeli army allegedly began shooting.

Mohammad Abed Omran, 35, is from the Yarmouk refugee camp, an “unofficial” refugee camp in Damascus and home to the largest Palestinian refugee community in Syria. Abed Omran crossed over this morning from Syria into the occupied Syrian Golan. In an interview with the Alternative Information Center (AIC), Abed Omran noted that his family is originally from the Safed area, and that he “intends to go to his original home tomorrow”.

Gaza Strip: 55 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip were injured by Israeli shelling of a Nakba commemoration near Beit Hanoun. At least one of the injured was a journalist while many of the others are reported to be children.

Qalandiya: Palestinian sources are reporting 150 people injured by Israel during the Nakba commemoration at Ramallah’s Qalandiya checkpoint. Some 300 participants took part in the commemoration, including Palestinian Legislative Council Member Khalida Jarrar.

Walaje: And in the Bethlehem-area village of al Walaje Israeli soldiers arrested 3 Palestinian protesters who were marching toward the Green Line, including Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh who is still being held at the military compound near Rachel’s Tomb. Following these arrests Israeli soldiers continued shooting tear gas at the remaining protesters, even following some of them into a house and subsequently detaining two internationals and two additional Palestinians.

Issawiya: In the East Jerusalem village of Issawiya, Israeli police and border police officers are still patrolling through the area, having entered the village in the early morning hours. Tear gas is still being shot at Issawiya homes, although no Nakba commemoration is being held at this time in the village.

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