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GCAP Senegal prepares for the World Social Forum

For 6 days in February the city of Dakar will be transformed into a laboratory for discussions, debates and experience sharing as social movements, networks, NGOs and other civil society organizations seeking to build alternatives to neo-liberal policies and build a more just and sustainable world come together to celebrate the 11th World Social Forum.

The World Social Forum 2011 will be organized in a global context marked by the profound food and climate crises which have added millions to the already long list of those who suffer from chronic hunger. In September 2010 during the MDG+10 review summit, member states adopted a document “Keeping the Promise – United to Achieve the Millennnium Development Goals” and announced new commitments for women, child health and other initiatives against hunger and inequality.


In order to continue to ensure that Governments are held to account on their commitments, GCAP, UNMC, UNDP, CONGAD, CIVICUS, the REPAOC, Coordination SUD will come together at the World Social Forum to examine the role of civil society organizations in monitoring the acceleration of efforts to achieve and exceed the MDGs by 2015. In particular they will discuss the tools that CSO can put in place to carry out commitment tracking and find ways of increasing pressure and holding leaders to account.

Two panel discussions will take place on the 8th February –

1) The role of civil society organizations in monitoring the acceleration of efforts to achieve the MDGs by 2015

2) Panel on Water and Sanitation -this panel will focus on access to water and sanitation in Africa and will discuss and identify strategies for ensuring Governments are complying with international standards.

An internet forum entitled “DAKAR EXTENDED” will be available to allow those who are not present at the Dakar Forum to live and participate in activities.

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