From Palestine, the solidarity with the landness peasants in Paraguay

We understand that the massacre is a result of unequal distribution of resources in a system that favors the upper and middle class and ignores the rights and just demands of farmers and those in the social ladder’s lower class. Moreover, the Palestinian National committee understands and emphasizes the connection between the Paraguayan farmers and the Palestinian people as both are subject to continuous land confiscation, evacuations and displacements.
The Palestinian people fully understand the suffering of Paraguayan farmers as they are subject to continuous Israeli discriminatory policies that deny their basic human rights. The Palestinian people, influenced by their own context, have always stood with just causes all over the world and today they stand in solidarity with the Paraguayan farmers’ struggle for their rights.
We call on all of those who cherish freedom, justice and peace to stand in solidarity with Paraguayan farmers and support their struggle against injustice and towards having their full social and political rights instated.

On behalf of the Palestinian National Committee
International Coordinator WSF- Free Palestine
Samah Darwish

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