Free Media announces its subjects towards Rio +20

June 16

9h Opening – Auditorium Pedro Calmon (UFRJ – Urca)
The Second World Forum of Free Medias and Rio +20: The battle for communication and culture as common goods.

11h Simultaneous panels

Theme 1: The right to communicate – Auditorium Pedro Calmon (UFRJ – Urca)
Topics to be discussed: access to information, freedom of speech, freedom of internet access, aggression against journalists; criminalization of free media, global media conglomerates and hegemonic discourses on development.

Theme 2 – Appropriation of technology – auditorium Eletrobras (Casa do Estudante – Flamengo)
Topics to be discussed: new organizational and economic models, free protocols, free internet, free spectrum and digital technology (digital radio and TV) ; appropriate technology training.

13h Lunch

14h Panel theme 3: Public Policies – auditorium Pedro Calmon (UFRJ – Urca)
Topics to be discussed: communication and democracy; regulatory frameworks, international standards and best regulatory practices; the public communication system; community radio stations, free radio stations ; the sustainability of means of free communication.

16h Self managed activities (rooms ECO-UFRJ – Urca)
Round table talks, dialogues, workshops, Forum extension.

June 17

9h Simultaneous panels

Theme 4: Social movements – auditorium Pedro Calmon (UFRJ – Urca)
Topics to be discussed: Content and information development by the civil society (including the debate on the value dispute around sustainable development); struggles within networks and in the streets, global activism, how to increase the impact of free media in social struggles; the synergy between regional information platforms ; exchange of experiences and initiatives; free medium and the process of the World Social Forum.

Woman, media and common goods – auditorium Eletrobras (Student house – Flamengo)
Topics to be discussed: the invisibility and historical exclusion of women, freedom of speech and denial of memory; woman´s struggles within the social networks ; from the SlutWalk protest marches to the allegations of discrimination against women in the Arab spring, content development for equal rights and diversity of gender and race in networks, the regulation of communication means and the image of women, the potential impact of that debate in social networks.

10h30 General plenary session – Auditorium Pedro Calmon (UFRJ – Urca)
Organization of strategies and setup of proposals for the convergence plenary on the common goods of the People´s Summit.

13h Lunch

14h Self managed activities – (rooms ECO UFRJ – Urca) chat rounds,
talks, workshops, Forum extension.

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