Don’t buy into the israeli occupation and take part in the week against the wall in Palestine

From Australia to Canada, from Norway to Argentina, between the 9th of November and the 16th, a series of activities is previewed in several countries as part of the Week against the Apartheid Wall in Palestine – which starts, not by accident, in the same day of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

In order to keep up with this initiative, promoted by the organizations Stop the Wall and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), alternative media will take part in a media marathon against the wall in the West Bank – Palestinian territory illegally occupied by Israel – and the apartheid promoted by this State.

This year’s media marathon will have a different format. News coming from a non-stop coverage of this week’s acts will be gathered into three different programs, 10 minutes each, about the Israeli repression and the BDS movement. All programs are created for the Intifada Radio initiative, will be broadcast both in English and Spanish, and will be available for all interested radio channels. As in 2010, participants of the Ciranda of Shared Communication will contribute with radio comments during the marathon and with news also in Portuguese.

On November 26th, several organizations connected to the BDS movement will be promoting, especially in Europe, a day of action called Don’t Buy Into the Israeli Occupation, which will be made of initiatives to boycott Israeli food products sold in the International market. Protests, lobby and media actions are previewed.

The construction of the Apartheid Wall, the focus of this campaign, was started in 2002 and condemned by International Court in the Hague two years later. Nevertheless it is still being built, preventing Palestinians to fully access education, health, work, basically preventing them of their free circulation and also incorporating their land. When finished, it will have 700km of extension and will be 9m high. Media actions and activities for this week – which are also being organized in Brazil, including boycotts to products – sum up to initiatives towards the end of this project, of the colonization and also in order to tear down the wall already built.

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