At the borders of Gaza

Translated by Ana Moretti

This Sunday, a great mobilization of Palestinians from the West Bank and neighbouring countries Lebanon, Syria and Egypt has drawn the world’s attention towards the right of return to Palestine. The demonstrations were, however, held under violent repression, which has already caused at least 12 deaths at the borders and hundreds of injured in the region, including the countryside of the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinians looked back on Nakba, the enforced exodus of 760.000 Palestinians, at the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Refugees from Jordan, Syria and Lebanon decided to move towards Gaza, in order to carry out UN resolution 194, which assures Palestinians the right of return.

The violent means through which Israel has singled out the Palestianians reoccured, and young men were killed due to firing against the crowd by the Israeli Army. The Agence France-Presse counts 10 deads at the border between Lebanon and Israel and 2 at Syria’s, but the movement itself hasn’t yet tolled its victims. Sources from the Israeli Security Force acknowledged firing against protesters coming from Syria, who were already in Golan, according to the agency, which considers it to be one of the most grievous borderline incidents in both countries since the Arab-Israeli war from 1973.

Other sources informed that the Lebanese Army in the “Marun ar Ras” area adopted strict measures to escort the demonstrators of Nakba and avoid confrontations. Nevertheless, Israeli forces opened fire against protesters after tense moments.

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