Change the System, Not the Climate

« Change the System, Not the Climate » has become the common slogan uniting climate justice movements across the world. With few words it communicates the essence of the message: neoliberal capitalism is poisoning the earth and all beings that live from it. To solve the ecological crisis we must go to the root cause of the problem: a profoundly unjust and destructive system geared to unending accumulation and extraction of maximum profit.

During the past few years and especially since COP 21 in Paris, the concept of « Just Transition « has been added to the common understanding of this slogan. By Just Transition we understand the absolute need to transition out of a productive system based on fossil fuels by banking on profound social transformations carried out by popular movements.

This space, jointly organized by Alternatives and the New York office of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, is designed as a space for social movements and activists to reflect on common strategies and actions needed to confront the systemic crisis we are living through.

See complete program at

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