WSF for Gaza, for Palestine

For almost a month, the state of Israel has attacked the Palestinian
population in violation of international law and international human
rights along with unacceptable support from the international community,
whose silence is an accomplice to Israel’s war crimes in the eyes of the

Over 1,800 people have been killed and over 6,000 people have been
injured during actions that can be described as massacres.

We, members of organizations and associations of the International
Council of the World Social Forum, express full solidarity with the
Palestinian people, who have resisted an illegal regime of occupation
and apartheid for over 60 years. We condemn the war crimes committed by
Israeli forces, who must be held accountable for the sake of universal
justice. Their impunity cannot be allowed to sacrifice the standards of
international law.

We ask that a protective force be deployed to save the lives of the many
civilians who are the primary victims of this illegal aggression.

We demand an end to the illegal blockade of Gaza and that Gaza’s borders
be opened to ensure Palestinians can move freely.

We call on everybody to join the mobilization called for by Gazan
organizations around August 9 – Global Day of Rage for Gaza.

We call on everyone to strengthen the BDS campaign against Israel and
reiterate our commitment to the boycott of all Israeli products,
divestment and sanctions, including a full military embargo and the
suspension of all bilateral and trade agreements.

We endorse:

Organizations of World Social Forum International Council:
Abong (Damién Hazard)
AIC Jerusalém (Michel Warschawski)
AIC – Ahmad Jaradat
ALAI (Sally Burch)
Alternatives/Alternatives International (Feroz Medhi)
African Forum for Alternatives (Demba Moussa Dembele)
Attac-France (Geneviève Azam)
African Social Forum (Sara Longwe)
Articulación Feminista MarcoSur (Virginia Vargas)
Babels (Judith Hitchman)
CADTM International Network (Mimoun Rahmani et Eric Toussaint)
CETRI – Centre tricontinental (Bernard Durterme)
Chico Whitaker – Brasil
Ciranda de Comunicação Compartilhada (Rita Freire)
Clacso-Flacso (Salete Valesan)
Comissão Brasileira de Justiça e Paz (Pedro Gontijo, Secretário Executivo)
Cosatu, South Africa (Bheki Ntshalintshali )
CUT-Brasil (Leornardo Vieira)
Flare/Libera (Vittorio Agnoletto)
Fórum Mondial des Alternatives FMAS Maroc (Hamouda Soubhi)
Focus on the Global South (Pablo Solon)
Frantz Fanon Foundation
Geledés – Instituto da Mulher Negra (Nilza Iraci)
Global Social Justice (Francine Mestrum)
Gustavo Massiah – CRID France
Ibase – Brasil (Moema Miranda)
Instituto Paulo Freire (Sheila Secconi)
International Alliance of Inhabitants (Cesare Ottolini )
IPS – Inter Press Service (Roberto Sávio, chairman)
Katu Arkonada, País Vasco/Bolivia
May First/People Link(Mallory Knodel)
Mémoire des luttes France (Bernard Cassen)
Network Institute for Global Democratization – NIGD)(Teivo Teivainen)
Njoki Njoroge Njehu, Daughters of Mumbi Global Resource Center
Norma Fernandez – Argentina
No Vox International (Annie Pourre)
Karamat Ali (Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research – PILER).
People’s Health Movement (Amit Senupta)
Pedro Ivo de Souza Batista, Fórum Brasileiro de Ongs e Movimentos Sociais pelo Meio Ambiente e o Desenvolvimento (FBOMS)
Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC) (Jen Cox)
Repem Lacra (Janneth Lozano B)
Repem LAC (Paítrícia Jaramillo)
Stop the Wall (Maren Montovani)
Transnational Institute – TNI (Brid Brennan)
UBM-União Brasileira de Mulheres/ FDIM-Federação Democrática Internacional de Mulheres (Liège Rocha)
USA Canada Alliance of Inhabitants (Rob Robinson)
Vittorio Agnoletto – Flare/Libera
World March of Women (Wilhelmina Trout)

African Social Forum Council
Buuba Diop
Demba Moussa Dembele (African Forum for Alternatives)]
Diana Segnor
Fatma Aloo
Sara Longwe
Taoufik Ben Abdallah


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