Free media called to cover the WSF


The next World
Social Forum will take place in Tunis from the 26th to the 30ty
of March of 2013. This is the reason why the coordinators of the 3rd
WFMF, that will take place from the 24th to the 30th of
March 2013, are making a plea to all the militants, civil activists belonging
to community and social media, journalists citizens, etc. in order to mobilise
them for a successful and active media coverage of this event on different

➢ The WSF
gazette : Flamme d’Afrique

Redaction of articles for the daily
publication of a paper and electronic edition.

➢ The WSF television

Realisation and daily video editing of
podcasts on WSF website.

➢ The WSF
radio studio

Realisation of the ‹‹streaming video›› of the plenary and working groups to ensure
live diffusion.

➢ The WSF
on the social media and on the websites of the collaborating associations

The diffusion of all the supports used on
the social media’s platforms: Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, as

as on the free platforms and on
the websites of the collaborating associations: e-joussour,

IPS, Institut Panos Afrique de l’Ouest (IPAO), Ritimo, Ciranda, etc.

➢ Language coverage

The main languages covered will be:
Arab, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese.

Other languages might equally be

We are making a plea
to all the participants working in the area of the community and social media
to let us know their will to cover the WSF 2013 activities.

Thank you for
specifying the following information at the following email address:




Working language:

Proposed contribution
(daily or occasional):

Kind of support
offered (journals, radio, TV…):

Available tools
(computer, handheld reporter, headphones, etc…):

People who want to
participate to the Forum media coverage are asked to fill the accreditation
questionnaire on the WSF 2013 website:…

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