Preparation schedule towards Tunis

– Since November, 15th to January the 31st of 2015, all the organizations, movements and networks can submit discussions, workshops, seminaries. through the website.

– On January the 20th, the amalgamation (or “agglutination”) process will be opened for the activities held in Tunis. It’s a very important step because it permits the WSF to play its role: promoting the exchange of experiences and the development of international actions and campaigns.

– From the 1st of February and until the end of this month, it will be time to definitely register all the activities on the website, with details provided regarding room size, translation needs, date and time preferences, whether or not an “expanded” (off site) activity will be organized…

– From February the 15th to the 28th, convergences could be proposed. To be accepted, a convergence need to be proposed by at least 5 organizations/movements or by 2 networks, that represent at least 2 big regions

– From the 1st to the 10th of March, the proposals of convergence will be agglutinated.

– At the beginning of Marche 2015, the WSF’s program will be published on the website, and printed on paper.

– The payment of the activities will be held from February the 1th until March the 20th.

– El pago de las actividades se hará entre el 1º de febrero y el 20 de marzo 2015.

In Tunis

March 22-28 – World Forum of Free Media
March 24-28 – World Social Forum

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