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From West Bank to Brazil: We look forward to free peoples to make pressure on governments

Photo: Demonstration in São Paulo (27), by Francirosy Campos

Dear comrades and friends in Brazil


While continuing the Israeli massacre against the Palestinian people, especially the ongoing war against the Gaza Strip, and also in the West Bank, where the number of Martyrs until the moment is around one thousand martyrs, and more than five thousand injured, the majority of them civilians, most of them are of women and children and the elderly. Continued planes and tanks shelled residential areas, which led to the destruction of many of the neighborhoods where the population are live.

This Israeli aggressions are always comes with the support of Imperialist countries, especially the United States. We in Palestine Under these conditions the disastrous look forward to free peoples, and all the forces of progress and peace, to further support through protest actions ,marches demonstrations to make pressure on governments to do their humanity duties and responsibilities to stop this massacres. What is happening in Palestine is an struggle against the occupation in order to enjoy the freedom, justice and independence.

On this occasion, we also used always to see the support and solidarity of friends in Brazil, in the solidarity of our people, we highly appreciate the step magnificent taken Brazilian Government recalling its ambassador from Israel, such steps certainly constitute a pressure on the Israeli government to stop this crazy war .

And warmly applaud the position of the Brazilian people always custodian of the values of freedom, justice, and supportive of us the Palestinian people in our struggle for freedom and independence, to live as the rest of the peoples in the world . where our children to enjoy their live happily and free. Not to remain a target for killing and suffering as a result of Israeli policy – the colonial terror.

From here, from Palestine, from the heart of the suffer and pain, we thank you for your solidarity with us.

Ahmad Jaradat-
Palestinian National Committee for WSF- Free Palestine

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