From Gaza to Brazil: We urge you to expose the crimes of the Israeli occupation

Dear friends In Brazil

… Since more than 18 days practicing the ugliest massacres against the Gaza Strip … which stretched in recent years of Israeli aggression waged by each period … Gaza, which has been stretched because of a siege that lasted for more than eight years

Dear friends, today everything is assassinated in Gaza .. life and dream of tomorrow … and every hour a child is killed in Gaza .. every hour is the assassination of the elements of human life in Gaza …

Today Gaza and Palestine need to support all the voices of free world to stand together and support .. to meet the international silence supports the imperialist
occupation with money and arms and the decisions to kill humanity in Gaza …

Gaza calling for the protection of human consciences of their sons’ killing machine .. devastating Gaza cry out to the conscience of humanity to lift the siege and aggression …

Everything that is happening Dear friends in Gaza orchestrated by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinian people and its continuation decisions legitimately global … this occupation work Mistotunaian kidnap drama to be invoked for the exercise of aggression … which never stopped since the occupation against Palestine and its people displaced from their land We urge you our friends to put pressure on your government … to boycott Israel politically, economically and culturally .. protest against the crimes against Gaza and to protest the continued occupation of the land of Palestine …

We urge you to expose the crimes of the Israeli occupation of Gaza and Palestine’s right in front of the whole world … that you are the heart of the imperialist media machine facts about what is going on and portray Israel as a victim …

I thank you for support for the rights of the people of Palestine for statehood and self-determination and the return of its refugees who fled in all parts of the earth for more than sixty years …

To be human means to stand with the oppressed people and the issues of the oppressed to contribute to raising the injustice it .. and this is the difference between one person and another …

Intisar Hamdan- member of the Palestinian National Committee for WSF-
free Palestine

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