The Ciranda

About Ciranda

Ciranda was born in 2001 as a collaborative initiative between independent media and
writers. It is a concept that emerged with the first World Social Forum, as the
first proposal for ‘shared communication’ and a place of coexistence and shared
action among journalists and social communicators that participate in the Forum
universe. Since then it has been a common space for dialogue and a stimulator of new
shared experiences.

The Ciranda platform publishes content about the WSF and its movements in a
continuous manner, demonstrating that that this coexistence and exchange are still
alive and dynamic. Open and ongoing facilitation work contributes to animating
participation and updating the platform, indicating that there is collective
commitment to keeping it permanently functioning.

Representing this network of facilitators, Ciranda has become part of the
International Council of the World Social Forum, to contribute and dialogue with
other orcanisations of the IC on the construction of a politics of communication
from the viewpoint of participants in the communication movement, alternative media
and social communicators (in addition to journalists this includes people who work
with blogs, social networks, cultural movements and the free software movement).
Ciranda also contributes to the Communication Commission of the WSF.

Dedicated to looking after the principles and continuity of Ciranda, the
organisation Compas – International Association of Shared Communication – was
created in Brazil in 2009. Its mission is to support and set in motion demands
identified Ciranda meetings (at least one in each edition of the WSF). Institutions
such as the Paulo Freire Institute, the Arquimedia publishing agency and Casa Lilith
in Brazil participate in this joint facilitation initiative, enabling logistical
support and accounting for Ciranda in ad-hoc partnerships.

The current demands are: provide the Ciranda platform with new communication
features with multimedia compatibility for the network, enlarge the reception and
participation of community radio stations, internationalise content, intensify
mobilisation for solidary translation of what is produced. Choose your area of
contribution and participate.

Ciranda imposes very strict criteria regarding acceptance of support, resources or
sponsorship, since it must maintain its nature as a non-commercial platform and not
be subjected to conditions imposed by funders that override those of the WSF.
Therefore, support for Ciranda will be welcomed when not linked to corporate
business and which is given in recognition of and to encourage the dissemination of
the concept and practice of shared communication.

Translated by Hilde C. Stephansen

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