Insert your articles

After entering private space (with login and password), you will find the section at the bottom of the page. Click on this section; if you do not find it, click first on Site Edit at the top of the page and, than, on

More sections will appear: they refer to Ciranda’s events and coverages. Choose the section that corresponds to the event or one of your interest. Now, at the bottom of the page, choose “post a new article”.

Confirming the section

On the page “edit article”, the first thing to do is to choose the section (the event you are covering), right below the field in which you’ll type the article’s title.

Giving information:

Title field: up to 50 characters.

Description field: up to 100 characters. Text field: post your article or note.

At the bottom of the page, click in save. Only after this proceeding you will be able to post images or to choose the section or the thematic axle of your article. You’ll choose your axle through keywords, which are available only on the enhanced interface; in order to do so, go to the top menu, click on the icon on the left of your name and change from Simplified interface to Complete interface.

More than one author:

At the following page, in the field where the author’s name should me written, you may include more than one author to your article, the list will appear on the screen. If you wish to remove your name, this is the last thing to be done, because if the article does not have an author you will not be able to edit.

Article’s logotype

If you wish your article to have an image on the list, post an image in Article’s logotype

Choosing the thematic axle:

Click on key-word and choose the group which corresponds to your section (name of the event you are covering).

Within this group, choose the theme about which you are writing. Attention: the key-words are available only in the complete interface, as explained in Filling in the fields.

Add attachments to your articles:

First of all, save the corresponding document in the computer in which you are using in a floppy disk.
In order do attach documents to your article, choose the field Attach a document, select the file and click on transfer. You may add title and subtitle to each document.

Post pictures along with your article:

First, save the desired image in the computer you are using or in a floppy disk or in a cd.
If you wish a picture to appear near to the article’s title, choose the field article’s logo, select the image’s corresponding file and click on transfer.
In order to add pictures along the text, choose the field Add a document, select the image’s corresponding file and click on transfer. You may add title and subtitle to each image.

Posting in the photo-gallery:

Click on post a new article, as explained in the beginning of this text. Write the title, introduction, but not the text (unless you wish to mix them); you have to save the article first in order to allow transfer of images. Save the images you wish to post in your gallery in a floppy disk or computer, then, click on Add a document (attention, in order to have a gallery, the images must be posted as document, not as image, which are exclusively to be used along with the text in places chosen by the editor), select the corresponding file for each chosen image and click on transfer. For each image you may chose title and subtitle;

If you wish your photo-gallery to be available together with Ciranda’s pictures, you have to choose the key-word pictures in the media menu.

Radio and TV

If you wish your article to be available together with other articles about the same topic, choose the key-word radio or TV on the media menu.


The SPIP has good documents for support, which can be accessed at the top of the page. There are many different question marks that will take you directly to the related topic’s document.

Translated by Marcia Macedo

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