How to take part

First, you need to register at Ciranda. Enter in Private Space, on the left-side menu, then, click on Register; you have the option of choosing another language. Write your name (the way you wish to sign your articles) and e-mail. You will receive a message containing your username and password. You will be able to modify your password and signature, but not the username.

Whenever you wish to enter in the publishing tool (spip) section of Ciranda, click on Private Space at the left side menu, then, type your username and password. Afterwards, click on the left of your name (personal information) and type your website or blog, if you have one, or any other information about yourself.

At the publishing tool, you may add your articles or images, or even attach internet video and audio files, then request its publication.
If you find any difficulty in registering yourself, send and e-mail to

You may also participate posting your comments at the end of each article by clicking on Reply to this article.

Translated by Marcia Macedo

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