The End of Democracy in Turkey

Por Hisyar Ozsoy

More arrests are to be expected. The goal of these measures is to shut down the third largest party in parliament. This is a dark day not only for our party but for all of Turkey and the region as it means the end of democracy in Turkey. Ever since our p...

Report on detainment of Guitan Kisanak and Firat Anli, co-mayors of Diyabakir

Por Ercan Ayboga

Diyarbakir, with a population of 1.8 million, politically and culturally the most significant city in the Kurdish region of Turkey, is now facing another major challenge after months of armed conflict in the city center that ended in March 2016. Co-Mayors ...

Campaña de solidaridad con las Kurdas Guitan Kisanak y Avla Akat Ata

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

El Congreso de Mujeres Libres de Kurdistán hizo un llamado urgente a la solidaridad internacional para que cesen los ataques y persecuciones a las fuerzas políticas opositoras al gobierno del presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Estos ataques se han ...

La question kurde, hier et aujourd’hui

Por Lekapo

L’analyse proposée aidera peut-être à mieux comprendre la nature du (ou des) nationalismes kurdes à l’œuvre aujourd’hui, les limites qu’il (ou qu’ils) s’impose en ignorant les exigences du combat anti-impérialiste dans la région, des ré...

A long, bloody weekend in Palestine

Por Ahmad Jaradat

Thursday On Thursday, Israeli soldiers killed Muhammad Ahmad Abu al-Fattah al-Sarrahin, 30, during a military raid in Beit Ola, west of the West Bank city of Hebron. Israeli soldiers damaged the al-Sarrahin family’s furniture as they invaded their hom...

Web documentary tells stories of Gaza‘s obliterated families

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

The small black piece in the center of the photo was part of the missile that killed the three children. It was produced in France. In June 2016, the Shuheibar family filed a complaint against the French manufacturer for complicity in war crimes. *** El...

“Você não terá que usar sua imaginação; A realidade é devastadora para além de qualquer coisa que você possa imaginar”

Por Lekapo

Querido Caetano, Obrigado por tomar seu tempo para responder minha carta. Diálogo é realmente importante. Eu vou responder aos pontos que você levantou. Temo que você possa estar vendo a política israelense com lentes cor-de-rosa. O fato é que por m...

Banksy entra em Gaza por túneis e espalha sua arte pelos destroços

Por mgdCuNk9du