Les assassinats secrets d’Israël

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

La télévision israélienne a récemment présenté une vidéo où l’on voyait deux soldats se filmant mutuellement en train de tirer, tout en rigolant, sur un manifestant palestinien à la frontière de Gaza. Filmer ses propres crimes contre l’human...

Israel’s secret assassinations

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Israeli television recently aired a video of two Israeli soldiers filming themselves in the act of shooting a Palestinian protester at the Gaza boundary while cheering. Filming one’s own crimes against humanity – shooting Palestinians for sport – sug...

The beautiful game: a history of whitewashing international crimes

Por Hussein Samih

In the summer of 1978, at the height of Argentina’s brutal right-wing dictatorship, the 11th FIFA World Cup took place amidst an outcry over granting legitimacy to a state that is now known to have been responsible for the disappearances of around 30,000...

Remembering Joel Kovel

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Photo: Dr. Joel Kovel, front right, at an anti-war demonstration at the White House in 2010. Credit – Ellen Davidson Quincy Saul, RED - I first met Joel Kovel in 2011. I had heard of him before, when I was involved in Students for Justice in Palestine a...

Cómo el mundo está traicionando a los kurdos

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Depende de escritores, periodistas y medios de comunicación independientes tratar de equilibrar de nuevo la visión sesgada y confusa de los asuntos sirios que se nos han comunicado habitualmente. De manera más urgente, debe abordarse el silencio de la p...

How Long Will We Pretend Palestinians Aren’t People?

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Robert Fisk, Independent - Monstrous. Frightful. Wicked. It’s strange how the words just run out in the Middle East today. Sixty Palestinians dead. In one day. Two thousand four hundred wounded, more than half by live fire. In one day. The figures are an...

Sacrificing Gaza: The Great March of Zionist Hypocrisy

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Photo by Jordi Bernabeu Farrús | CC BY 2.0 Jim Kavanagh, Counterpunch - The Great March of Return is a startling, powerful expression of Palestinian identity and resistance. Thousands of Palestinians have come out, bravely and unapologetically, to say: â...

Israël arrête un groupe de musique palestinien pour « création de sons qui incitent à la résistance »

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Hier, les forces d’occupation israéliennes ont arrêté les membres d’un groupe palestinien de musique dans la ville de Hebron au Sud de la Cisjordanie, au prétexte « d’incitation ». Selon une déclaration de l’armée israélienne, six Palesti...