China avança sobre as riquezas do Congo

Por Christ Kamanda

Está prestes a ser concluída uma das mais importantes transações comerciais do século até o momento: em uma ação conjunta, a estatal chinesa China Molybdenum Co Ltd (CMOC) e a corporação privada chinesa BHR irão pagar 2,65 bilhões de dólares ...

The complicity of France with Morocco against Western Sahara

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

ASFA: What is the driving force behind Morocco’s occupation of Western Sahara? Malainin Lakhal: "There are various and complicated motives behind the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara. One, Morocco is a very poor country (in terms of natural resour...

Chile: A propósito del Censo nacional del miércoles 19/4

Por Rita Freire

Otro censo sería averiguar y saber y conocer: Cuántos ancianos sobreviven con una pensión miserable, a punta de té y marraqueta, cambiando forzosamente sus recetas médicas por paracetamol en las farmacias de barrio, como lo hiciera, durante sus diez ...

U.S: Trump & Friends’ War on African American Women

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

t’s no secret that a toxic combination of misogyny and racism helped Donald J. Trump win the presidency. Never mind dog whistles and code—Trump proudly displayed his contempt for women and non-white people throughout his campaign. But another likely he...

États-Unis: 6 leçons à tirer de l’afro-féminisme américain

Por Nassira Hedjerassi

Il faut (re)découvrir bell hooks. Le premier essai de cette figure féministe afro-américaine, Ne suis-je pas une femme ? n’a été traduit et publié en France qu’en 2016 (link is external) (ed.Cambourakis). Le second, De la marge au centre est sort...

Estado Español: “Muchas mujeres anarquistas, feministas y revolucionarias permanecen invisibilizadas

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Lucía Sánchez Saornil, Teresa Claramunt, Amparo Poch y Gascón, Lola Iturbe, Antonia Maymón, Pepita Carpena… Mujeres anarquistas, feministas y revolucionarias a las que la historiografía no ha hecho justicia. Batallaron por dejar de ser “la esclava...

Appel pour un prochain Mix-book “Après, nouvelles sur le monde libéré”: Envoyez vos nouvelles avant le 31 août 2017

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Dans la lignée de "2030 : nouvelles d’un monde qui tombe" et "Le charbon" (Collection Béton ArméE aux éditions BBoyKonsian), un nouveau mix-book est en préparation : "Après, nouvelles sur le monde libéré" où l’on vous propose de nous envoyer v...

US intensifies military training operations across Africa

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Last month, nearly 100 military and diplomatic officials from eight East African nations gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for the United States Army Africa (USARAF) led joint exercise “Justified Accord 17” (JA17), a training exercise aimed at increasi...