New Socialist Initiative Condemns Hindutva Engineered and Inspired Atrocities on Dalits

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

. On 24 May, a Dalit man in the Ahmedabad district was beaten and his house attacked by a gang of socalled ‘upper’ caste men after he had attached Sinh to his name on his facebook post. On 21 May a dalit ragpicker was beaten to death in a Rajkot facto...

The Dark Side of Israeli Independence

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Brett Wilkins, Counterpunch - On May 14, 1948, Israel declared its independence. Each May 15, Palestinians solemnly commemorate Nakba Day. Nakba means catastrophe, and that’s precisely what Israel’s independence has been for the more than 700,000 Arabs...

L’association altermondialiste Attac fête ses 20 ans

Por Lekapo

Il y a 20 ans, était créée Attac - association pour la taxation des transactions financières et l’action citoyenne. Aujourd’hui présente dans une trentaine de pays, Attac agit « pour l’intérêt général » et mène de nombreuses campagnes, no...

El espejo de la reina mala

Por Lekapo

En el contexto de la IV Cumbre Iberoamericana de Agendas Locales de Género celebrada recientemente en la ciudad ecuatoriana de Cuenca, desfilaron en una rica secuencia los testimonios, relatos de experiencias, propuestas de cambio y análisis de la situac...

Nous sommes tou-te-s des Migrant-e-s

Por Lekapo

Depuis le début de l’année 2018, une campagne généralisée d’arrestations arbitraires, suivies d’expulsions collectives et massives, a frappé l’ensemble des migrant-e-s originaires de l’Afrique subsaharienne se trouvant sur le territoire nat...

We are all Migrants

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Since the beginning of 2018, a widespread campaign of arbitrary arrests, followed by mass and collective expulsions, has affected all migrants from sub-Saharan Africa on the national territory: Guineans, Burkinabe , Beninese, Malians, Ivorians, Senegalese,...

Todos somos Migrantes

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

desde principios de 2018, una campaña generalizada de arrestos arbitrarios, seguida de expulsiones masivas y colectivas, ha afectado a todos los migrantes del África subsahariana en el territorio nacional: guineanos, Burkina Faso , Benineses, malienses, ...

The Road Blockades are Up on the East Rand

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

These attempts have been fruitless. Since we founded the Zikode Extension land occupation we have faced relentless illegal evictions as well as police violence and death threats. We went to court to try and stop the illegal evictions and were told that our...