¿Cuál es la agenda secreta del vicepresidente Mike Pence en Ecuador?

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Sputnik - La periodista Giovanna Tassi señaló que seguridad, libre comercio y Venezuela son los temas de la Casa Blanca para la reunión con el presidente ecuatoriano Lenín Moreno. Según ella, habría además una agenda secreta que incluye el regreso d...

Yellow Journalism and the New Cold War

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Jeremy Kuzmarov, Counterpunch - Like Saddam Hussein a decade and a half ago, Russia and its President Vladimir Putin have been repeatedly vilified in the Western media over the last five years, helping to mobilize popular support for the reemergence of a n...

Impoundment of Ilisu Dam Reservoir has not yet started – Drought in Iraq has other reasons

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

The drought in Iraq is not related to the Ilisu Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP) Project, which is still under construction and is one of the most controversial dam projects worldwide due to its expected grave destructive impacts on people, culture...

Women on the frontlines risk death for their rights

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Photo: Mahmoud Ajour APA images Isra Saleh el-Namey, Eletronic Intifada - Islam Khreis has thrown quite a few stones at Israeli troops lately. “These are historic days,” the 28-year-old Gaza resident said. “We are telling the whole world that we ha...

Immigrant Rights Advocates Mark Father’s Day With Vigil at Facility for Migrant Children Torn From Parents

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Jessica Corbett, Common Dreams - As families across the United States celebrated Father's Day on Sunday, immigrants and advocates held a vigil at the Ursula Border Patrol Processing Center in South McAllen, Texas to express support for children who were to...

Les pays européens se déchirent sur l’accueil des réfugiés

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Daniel Vigneron, My Europe - Quand l’imprécation tient lieu de politique, il y a de quoi s’inquiéter. Les propos du président Emmanuel Macron, dénonçant « le cynisme et l’irresponsabilité » du gouvernement italien après le refus de ce dern...

Colombia: regreso del uribismo y el nacimiento de una nueva oposición

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

María Fernanda Barreto, Resumen Latinoamericano,- El día de ayer (17) se realizaron en Colombia unas elecciones presidenciales de mucha importancia para toda la región, y particularmente para Venezuela. Una vez más el país fue convocado a elegir entre...

Uma mulher liderou a resistência a Hitler em plena Alemanha nazista

Por Lekapo

Foto: Sophie ao centro. Há 75 anos, três estudantes universitários alemães foram condenados e executados em Munique, por liderarem um movimento de resistência pacífica contra Adolf Hitler, em pleno auge nazista. Mais dois estudantes e um professor...