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Celebrating the International Day of Peasant Struggle
Peasants women and men from farmers organisations throughout the world, members of La Via Campesina, celebrate the 17th of April as the International Day of Peasant Struggle, and reaffirm their vow to intensify the mobilization for the rights of peasants e...
Activistas colombianos apuestan a Cochabamba
Por Helda Martínez BOGOTÁ, 17 abr (IPS) - Medio centenar de integrantes de 15 organizaciones indígenas, ambientalistas, sindicales y universitarias de Colombia viajan a Bolivia con la esperanza de construir, junto a miles de activistas y delegados de g...
Can Cochabamba Pick Up Where Copenhagen Failed?
By Sarah van Gelder 14 April, 2010 Yes Magazine President Barack Obama's offshore drilling announcement is bad news for efforts to stop runaway climate change, especially following December's failed climate talks in Copenhagen. But there is hope — and...
Cambio climático, pobreza y adaptación
Bolivia es un país especialmente vulnerable al impacto del cambio climático. En julio de 2009, un grupo de expertos de Oxfam viajó a tres áreas de Bolivia (Trinidad en el Beni, los valles de Cochabamba, y Khapi a los pies del Illimani), a fin de observ...
El clima de los pueblos
Silvia Ribeiro* Del 19 al 22 de abril se realizará en Cochabamba, Bolivia, la Conferencia Mundial de los Pueblos sobre el Cambio Climático y los Derechos de la Madre Tierra. La iniciativa fue anunciada por el presidente Evo Morales después del desastre...
Justicia climática
La conferencia en Cochabamba (Bolivia) sobre clima es una señal de esperanza a pesar del fracaso de las negociaciones en Copenhague (Dinamarca)”, expresa este jueves mediante un comunicado de prensa la federación ambientalista Amigos de la Tierra Inter...
Health Care Reform Victory Comes with Tragic Setback for Women’s Rights
As a longtime proponent of health care reform, I truly wish that the National Organization for Women could join in celebrating the historic passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It pains me to have to stand against what many see as a m...
The Darfur crisis: blood, hunger and oil
Is the first genocide of the 21st century happening now in Darfur? This Sudanese province is the theater of a conflict on which the international opinion is rallying. As for any struggle on the African ground, we receive the same images of misery: men are ...