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Ato em São Paulo em repúdio aos ataques à ajuda humanitária
A Frente em Defesa do Povo Palestino, movimentos sociais e populares brasileiros, forças políticas progressistas e membros das comunidades árabe e muçulmana realizam na próxima sexta-feira, dia 4 de junho, a partir das 15h, no vão livre do Masp, na C...
Global BDS Day of Action on saturday 5 JUNE 2010
Occupied Palestine, 1 June 2010 - The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) strongly condemns last night’s fatal attack by the Israeli navy on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the occupied and be...
El 5 de Junio: Día de Acción Global de BDS de emergencia
Palestina ocupada, 1 de junio de 2010 -- El Comité Nacional Palestino para el Boicot, Desinversión y Sanciones (BNC) condena enérgicamente el fatal ataque de la noche pasada por parte de la armada israelí contra la Flotilla de la Libertad de Gaza que ...
VI Cumbre UE-ALC
El fortalecimiento del multilateralismo, la necesidad de una Nueva Arquitectura Financiera Internacional y una apertura hacia puntos sensibles de la migración son los aspectos relevantes de una VI Cumbre Unión Europea-América Latina-El Caribe, que se de...
Porque Vou Para Gaza
Em alguns dias eu serei a única brasileira a embarcar num navio que integra a GAZA FREEDOM FLOTILLA. A recente decisão do governo Israelense de impedir a entrada do acadêmico internacionalmente reconhecido Noam Chomsky aos Territórios Ocupados da Pales...
Israel Attacks
Israeli commandos have attacked a flotilla of aid-carrying ships off the coast of the Gaza Strip, killing up to 19 people on board. Dozens of others were injured when troops raided the convoy of six ships, dubbed the Freedom Flotilla, early on Monday. Is...
Brazil, U.S. On A Collision Course
From the maze of statements made since [last week], it's worthwhile to untangle the threads that show a growing polarization between Brasília and Washington, which translates – in the South American region – into an inevitable escalation that, in due ...
Why I am going to Gaza
In a few days I will be the only Brazilian to embark on a ship which is part of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. A recent decision by the Israeli government to deny internationally renowned scholar, Noam Chomsky, entrance into the occupied Palestinian territorie...