Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign

Por Compas Special Update - July 19, 2010 New Report: PEOPLE VERSUS REPRESSION One year ago, Stop the Wall and Addameer released a report entitled “Repression Allowed, Resistance Denied”, which detailed the repression of Palestinian human right...

El desastre en el Golfo de México No Cambiará la Política de Energía de Estados Unidos

Por Shamus Cooke

Como es típico de los políticos y medios de comunicación Estadounidenses, un tema de extrema seriedad ha sido prácticamente reducido al absurdo. Una vez que la urgencia de la crisis causada por el derrame de petróleo en el Golfo de México se ha ester...

The Gulf Oil Disaster Will Not Change U.S. Energy Policy

Por Shamus Cooke

(Originally published 22 June on As is typical with U.S. politicians and media, an extremely serious topic has nearly been reduced to absurdity. Once the urgency of the Gulf oil eruption has been fully sterilized, the stage will be se...

The Mission to Oaxaca

Por Compas

For many years now, the world has its sight set on Oaxaca, because of the constant human rights violations. The scene upon us here stems from the 2006 mobilisations where several murders took place, particularly that of the North American journalist Brad W...

“I Have A Dream…”

Por Nahida the Exiled Palestinian

(Originally published 28th June 2010 on Nahida's Poetry for Palestine blog) I dream of liberation of Palestine . My dream is not blurred by illusions or hindered by hardships. A cornerstone for a Liberation movement is clarity of vision, to keep our ob...

Unedited anger

Por Compas

Sida en Viena: la cobertura en directo

Por Javier Hourcade Bellocq

El Equipo de Corresponsales Clave de América Latina y el Caribe, grupo de cronistas de base comunitaria que comparte las historias de sus comunidades con el objetivo de generar cambios e incidir en los tomadores de decisiones, anuncia el lanzamiento de s...

Mandela: 92 anos de universalidade

Por Sucena Shkrada Resk

Nelson Mandela completa hoje 92 anos de vida e 67 anos dedicados à liberdade e paz. A história desse homem me emociona sempre, por sua coerência de convicções e energia que emana. Exibe uma ligação tão forte com o sentido de raiz, que provoca uma a...