The Euro-demonstration in Brussels

Por Compas

The European Day of Action on 29 September is made up of a Euro-demonstration in Brussels and trade union actions in the various European countries. The Euro-demonstration in Brussels is composed of fifty Trade Unions member organisations representing 30 c...

Espanha: 70% de adesão à greve

Por Compas

Foto: Kaos en la red Cerca de 10 milhões de trabalhadores aderiram à greve geral em Espanha, afirmaram em conferência de imprensa esta quarta-feira Antonio del Campo e José Javier Cubillo, das centrais Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) e UGT. As centrais fiz...

Joint Statement for the “Global Wave of Action for Education” this fall

Por International Student Movement

Around the world students, pupils, teachers, parents and employees have been protesting against the increasing commercialisation and privatisation of public education, and fighting for free and emancipatory education in the past decade. This year will see...

Humanistas homenageiam Silo em sua partida

Por Ana Facundes

-Silo enfrentava há mais de um ano uma insuficiência renal e havia decidido não fazer transplante, nem hemodiálise ou dieta. Segundo Tomás Hirsch, seu amigo há décadas e ex-candidato à presidência do Chile,“ele faleceu como alguém que não apen...

Call To Action In Europe: Against The Causes And Consequences Of The Current Crises

Por Compas

We call upon all social movements in Europe to unite against the crisis and participate in the international day of action on the 29th of September, initiated by the European Trade Union Confederation. Only together can we achieve the necessary solutions t...

FAQ On Boycott, Divestment, And Sanctions

Por Compas

by IMEU 12th August 2010 What is BDS? BDS stands for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions. On July 9, 2005, one year after the historic Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which found Israel's Wall built on occupied Palestinian t...

Latent threat of massacre in Copala

Por Compas

15th September 2010, 19.00. URGENT BULLETIN from the Autonomus Municipality of San Juan Copala To social organisations To indigenous peoples and non-indigenous of Mexico and the World To other campaigns To solidary individuals To national and internat...

Ameaça latente de massacre em Copala

Por Compas

Às Organizações Sociais Aos povos indígenas e não indígenas do México e do Mundo À Outra Campanha Às pessoas solidárias Aos Organismos de Direitos Humanos Nacionais e Internacionais Fazemos um chamado urgente para denunciar que as amea...