Únete a la Maratón Mediática Anti-Apartheid durante los días 12 y 13 de noviembre!

Por Compas

La Semana anual Contra el Muro Apartheid del 9 al 16 de noviembre se pone en marcha! Activistas palestinos e internacionales se movilizarán, una vez más, en las calles y organizarán una serie de eventos alrededor del globo. La movilización en la calle ...

Join the Anti-Apartheid Media Marathon on the 12 and 13 November!

Por Compas

The annual Week Against the Apartheid Wall from 9-16 November is starting! Palestinian and international activists will again mobilize in the streets and organize a series of events across the globe. This mobilization on the ground will be complemented by ...

South Korean immigration detains six Filipino activists

Por Compas

*MANILA (06 November 2010) – Filipino activists who will attend an event of civil society groups parallel to the G20 summit are now being detained at Seoul International Airport, for still unknown reasons. They are expected to be deported back to Man...

El Mercado Europeo en llamas

Por Compas

PressenzaParis, 10/18/10 España vivió el 29 de septiembre pasado una huelga general, primera a la que es sometido el gobierno de Zapatero. Los sindicatos, siempre afines a los socialistas, no pudieron hacer oídos sordos a los trabajadores que representa...

Israel’s New Loyalty Oath

Por Stephen Lendman

Since inception, Israel's democracy was illusory, but of late it's further eroded. The Cabinet's October 10 adopted Law of Citizenship amendment requires all non-Jews wanting it to pledge loyalty to "the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state," i...

Huelga general en Barcelona

Por Compas

Moçambique: Milhões de braços, uma só fome

Por Compas

Os constantes crescimentos económicos em Moçambique traduzem pouca ou nenhuma melhoria na qualidade de vida da população, quando não real decréscimo. Por João Camargo, de Gorongosa, Moçambique Maputo, 2008: a 5 de Fevereiro pela manhã começava a...

Invitation to the Network InCommon for the Empowerment of Solidary and Popular Communities

Por Compas

Preamble The Expanded Social Forum of the Peripheries, which took place in February 2010 in the neighbourhood of Dunas in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, was the occasion for multiple local actions, including international interconnections about the t...