Israeli Banks Profiteering from Occupation

Por Stephen Lendman

Israeli settlement near Hebron. Photo: Hilde Stephansen / Ciranda Wall Street does it. Other Western banks do it. They all exploit markets, often ripping off customers illegally. Why not Israeli banks also in their own back yard, easily in expanding settl...

Presos políticos, hai clases! [galego]

Por Altermundo

Malia que existen múltiples definicións, poderiamos falar de presos políticos como daquelas persoas privadas de liberdade, na cadea ou doutro xeito, porque as súas ideas supoñan unha ameaza para o sistema político imperante. Vaia, que podemos falar d...

Contra el Muro del Apartheid

Por mgdCuNk9du

En el último programa de Al Hurria dedicado a la temática ” activismo e internacionalismo (Dentro del marco de la Semana Internacional contra el Muro del Apartheid) ” fue entrevistado el periodista de “Rompiendo Muros” Fernando Casares, también...

The Re-Unification Of My Parents

Por mgdCuNk9du

Yesterday my mother crossed the Allenby bridge, from the West Bank to Jordan, to see my father in Amman. What makes this banal act unusual is that she had to wait almost a year to be finally granted permission to cross the border. Last year my brother wro...

London supermarket occupied in Israel boycott

Por Nelsinho Pombo

Shoppers occupied Waitrose supermarket in London in protest over the support for illegal settlements in Israel. Much of the produce sold as 'Israel' actually comes from stolen lands in Palestine. Music has been put over the video for now. A new version of ...

ESPAÑA: Cigales boicota la agua embotellada Eden

Por mgdCuNk9du

Arte extraida del sítio Rompiendo Muros El equipo de Gobierno del Ayuntamiento de Cigales ha decidido retirar la marca israelí de agua embotellada Eden Springs Ltd de las dependencias municipales, sumándose de esta forma a la Campaña de Boicot, Desinv...

INDIA: Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza

Por mgdCuNk9du

Israel’s occupation of Palestinian and Arab territories has lasted for more than six decades in violation of international law, international humanitarian law and numerous United Nations resolutions. The occupation of Palestine must end! Gaza has bee...

AUSTRALIA: Bek’s story … from Yanoun, with EAPPI

Por Chris Williams

he Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) is one of many non-governmental organisations that brings international volunteers into the West Bank to experience life under Israeli occupation. The international accompaniers provid...