Por Stephen Lendman

Disturbing signs are ominous. On November 8, Israel demolished and ransacked a Negev Bedouin Arab mosque in Rahat, removing it for Jewish development. Professor Yousef Salamah called it "a criminal act," done on the pretext that it was unlicensed. "These a...

An Apartheid State

Por Nelsinho Pombo

Check out this short video that has been made by me. An Apartheid State: When will the suffering end?


Por Compas

The video was posted to YouTube by Assaf Kintzer, an Israeli activist with Anarchists Against the Wall. The caption reads, "IOF soldiers celebrating the destruction of houses in Gaza during 'Cast Lead'." Kintzer says the video, which was shot using a mob...

Zionism Needs The Israeli Jews To Feel Frightened

Por Compas

Alan Hart is an indispensable name in journalism. Unquestionably, he has been one of the most influential British journalists with an expertise in the Middle East affairs. A former BBC Panorama presenter, Hart was a close friend of Israeli Prime Minister G...

Israeli Banks Profiteering from Occupation

Por Stephen Lendman

Israeli settlement near Hebron. Photo: Hilde Stephansen / Ciranda Wall Street does it. Other Western banks do it. They all exploit markets, often ripping off customers illegally. Why not Israeli banks also in their own back yard, easily in expanding settl...

Presos políticos, hai clases! [galego]

Por Altermundo

Malia que existen múltiples definicións, poderiamos falar de presos políticos como daquelas persoas privadas de liberdade, na cadea ou doutro xeito, porque as súas ideas supoñan unha ameaza para o sistema político imperante. Vaia, que podemos falar d...

Contra el Muro del Apartheid

Por Compas

En el último programa de Al Hurria dedicado a la temática ” activismo e internacionalismo (Dentro del marco de la Semana Internacional contra el Muro del Apartheid) ” fue entrevistado el periodista de “Rompiendo Muros” Fernando Casares, también...

The Re-Unification Of My Parents

Por Compas

Yesterday my mother crossed the Allenby bridge, from the West Bank to Jordan, to see my father in Amman. What makes this banal act unusual is that she had to wait almost a year to be finally granted permission to cross the border. Last year my brother wro...