Prisoner Speaks Out From Israeli Jail

Por mgdCuNk9du

Hamdan is serving a nine-year sentence in Ketziot prison in the Negev desert for membership of an "illegal organisation". "In the end you admit to stuff even if you didn't do it just so that the beatings and abuse will stop," Hamdan, a former member of th...

LONDON: War on Want tells BT: Hang up on the Occupation!

Por mgdCuNk9du

War on Want, 11th November 2010 Activists held up a seven foot high replica of the Apartheid Wall, unveiled a banner outside of BT's offices and flyered BT staff on their way to work. War on Want's Executive Director, John Hilary, handed in a letter for B...

ARGENTINA: Programa especial contra el apartheid en Palestina

Por mgdCuNk9du

LONDON: Bad Company – Report From 6th November Demonstration Against Ahava

Por mgdCuNk9du

By Bradley Marshall. London, 6 November 2010 Around thirty demonstrators turned up at the first Ahava demo in November to protest the sale of illegal Israeli settlement goods. Representatives from Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods (J-BIG), the Internation...


Por Stephen Lendman

Disturbing signs are ominous. On November 8, Israel demolished and ransacked a Negev Bedouin Arab mosque in Rahat, removing it for Jewish development. Professor Yousef Salamah called it "a criminal act," done on the pretext that it was unlicensed. "These a...

An Apartheid State

Por Nelsinho Pombo

Check out this short video that has been made by me. An Apartheid State: When will the suffering end?


Por mgdCuNk9du

The video was posted to YouTube by Assaf Kintzer, an Israeli activist with Anarchists Against the Wall. The caption reads, "IOF soldiers celebrating the destruction of houses in Gaza during 'Cast Lead'." Kintzer says the video, which was shot using a mob...

Zionism Needs The Israeli Jews To Feel Frightened

Por mgdCuNk9du

Alan Hart is an indispensable name in journalism. Unquestionably, he has been one of the most influential British journalists with an expertise in the Middle East affairs. A former BBC Panorama presenter, Hart was a close friend of Israeli Prime Minister G...