Economic is political: Palestinians know why they are protesting

Por Ahmad Jaradat

It is not strange for the Palestinians that their tragedy and difficult situation are linked to their specific life under Israel’s occupation; it is this occupation that bears primary responsible for the Palestinian crises. It is also not new to Pale...

10 September: West Bank protests politicized

Por Ahmad Jaradat

Hebron: Transportation in the Hebron district was completely paralysed and people had difficulties in reaching their places of employment. A big demonstration took place on the main ‘Ai Sara Street, with demonstrators calling for annulment of the Par...

Os EUA se cansaram de mimar Israel?

Por Baby Siqueira Abrão

Um documento de 82 páginas e uma diminuição de pessoal e armamentos para o Austere Challenge 12 (AC12), exercício militar conjunto com Israel, indicam que o governo dos EUA decidiram mostrar aos sionistas quem é que manda no relacionamento entre os do...

Over 60 Protests to Target Frankenfood Corporations on #OWS Anniversary #occupyMonsanto #GMO

Por Occupy

An expanding network of concerned individuals known as Occupy Monsanto has emerged over the past 8 months staging numerous protests at companies connected to the global trade of genetically engineered foods, also known as GMOs. The network announced today ...

Victory for Quebec students #GGi

Por Mark Bergfeld

Students and their supporters throughout the Canadian province of Quebec are celebrating the ousting of Liberal Premier Jean Charest, the promise of the withdrawal of Bill 78 and most importantly the freeze in tuition fees. This victory comes after six mon...

Cúpula dos Povos, a reinvenção do sistema

Por Rizza Matos

Desde o dia 15 de junho, muitas pessoas de várias partes do mundo estão reunidas no Rio de Janeiro para discutir a situação do mundo e fazer um contraponto a reunião dos chefes de estado na Rio+20, a conferência mundial da ONU sobre o Meio Ambiente. ...

Action Alert: Stop the Wall offices raided by Israeli military

Por Stop the wall

Tuesday 8th May 2012 By Stop the Wall At 1.30am this morning ten armoured jeeps of the Israeli occupation forces and intelligence surrounded and raided the offices of Stop the Wall in Ramallah. Israeli military stole 2 laptops, 3 hard drives and 10 memor...

[pt_br]Mister Wade [pt]Mister Wade

Por Paulo Gomes

Mister Wade. É assim que o senegalês Babacar Diop, estudante de Economia e Finanças na Universidade Cheikh Anta Diop, em Dacar, se refere ao atual presidente cada vez que o cita. A utilização do prenome respeitoso causa estranheza, uma vez que as pala...