//Tunisia 2013

El Foro Social Magrebi rumbo al FSM en Túnez
FSM 2013 tendrá lugar en Túnez del 26 al 30 marzo de 2013. Esta decisión fue tomada después de varias consultas entre los movimientos sociales en Túnez y otros países del Maghreb, ratificando y precisando la decisión del Consejo Internacional adopta...

The Maghrebian Social Forum towards the WSF in Tunis
Oujda, the 7th of October 2012 / 20 Dhou Al-Qi’da 1433 The WSF 2013 will take place in Tunis from the 26th to the 30th of March. This decision, taken after several consultations among social movements from Tunisia and from the other Maghrebian countries...

Le Forum Social Maghrébin au FSM à Tunis
Oujda, le 7 octobre 2011 / 20 Dhou Al-Qi’da 1433 Le FSM 2013 se déroulera à Tunis du 26 au 30 mars 2013. Cette décision, prise à la suite de plusieurs concertations au sein des mouvements sociaux de Tunisie et des autres pays du Maghreb, consacre et...

Media activism in the World Social Forum
Communication activists at the opening march of the WSF 2011 in Dakar. Photo: Vanessa Silva, Ciranda. Originally published on OpenDemocracy.net, 3 October 2012 Since it emerged in 2001 proclaiming that ‘another world is possible’, the World Social ...

Concurso levará seis professores à Tunísia
Professores da Educação Básica, vinculados à rede pública de todo o Brasil podem se inscrever no 3º Concurso Aprender e Ensinar – Tecnologias Sociais. Seis serão premiados com uma viagem para participar do Fórum Social Mundial 2013, do dia 23 a 2...

The Sahara conflict in the WSF
Translated by Fernanda Favaro Beguia Mohamed Bachir, Nayat Hamudi Ali, Mariam Salma Said are women from Western Sahara who attended the various meetings held in Monastir, Tunisia, 12-17 July, in preparation for the next World Social Forum, an event schedu...

Another World Social Forum is possible
For those who have not had the time or resources to attend the World Social Forum 2013 preparatory meeting in Monastir (July 12-17, 2012), it was not easy to stay informed about the progress and outcomes. Meanwhile, thanks to some participants who live-str...

Fórum Social Mundial 2013 será realizado na capital da Tunísia, de 23 a 28 de março
O Conselho Internacional (CI) do Fórum Social Mundial (FSM) reuniu-se entre 15/7 e 17/7, em Monastir, na Tunísia, para debater a nova dinâmica social e política mundial com o surgimento de movimentos de resistência em diferentes partes do globo, a org...