Descolonizando el FSM: discusión crítica sobre la producción de conocimientos dentro del proceso del foro social y acerca de él

Por Hilde C Stephansen

Fotografía: Bárbara Ablas/Ciranda Traducido por Ana Souto Introducción El punto de inicio del taller estuvo marcado por dos preguntas clave: ¿Quién produce el conocimiento tanto dentro del proceso del foro social como acerca de él? Y, ¿para qu...

FSM: otra mentira es posible

Por Marwen Tlili

Traducido por Maria Lema La edición tunecina del FSM se clausuró el pasado 30 de marzo. Fue una experiencia única en la que asociaciones, organizaciones y ciudadanos de todo el mundo se encontraron y establecieron las redes necesarias para nutrir sus r...

FSM : un autre mensonge est possible

Por Marwen Tlili

L’édition tunisienne du FSM vient de se clôturer le 30 mars dernier. C’était une expérience unique pour des associations, organisations et citoyens du monde entier de se retrouver et d’établir les réseaux nécessaires pour alimenter leurs engag...

Assembly meets Arab Spring in Tunisia

Por Deborah Moreira

Even those who were against the event were also there, claiming their space. That is how democracy works in the Forum. There is something for everyone. The WSF of Tunisia, which took place between the 26th and the 30th of March in the capital of Tunisia, ...

Decolonising the WSF: a critical discussion of the production of knowledges within and about the social forum process

Por Hilde C Stephansen

Photo: Bárbara Ablas/Ciranda Introduction Held on Thursday 28th March, the third day of the WSF in Tunis, the event was very well attended, with around 100 people crammed into a room intended for around half that number, for two and a half hours of pr...

3rd WFMF puts freedom of expression at the centre of debate

Por Bia Barbosa

TUNISIA – In its third world edition, the Free Media Forum arrived in Tunisia with a double mission. Inserted in the program of the Free Media Forum 2013, the WFMF had two main objectives. The first was to integrate actors, activists, organizations, alte...

Decolonizing the WSF

Por Terezinha Vicente

"Who produces knowledge about the WSF? And for whom?” These were initial questions, proposed by the organizers of the session, “Decolonizing the WSF,” held on March 28th, which attracted people from various countries interested in discussing the proc...

Qualidade do ar: será que ainda há tempo?

Por Sucena Shkrada Resk

Segundo o médico Paulo Saldiva, do Laboratório de Poluição Atmosférica Experimental da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), cerca de 4 mil pessoas morrem anualmente em São Paulo em decorrência de doenças respiratórias associadas à poluição. É com...