//[pt_br]FSM 2012/2013[en]WSF 2012/2013[es]FSM 2012/2013 [fr]FSM 2012/2013 fr
Free Media World Forum debates the aspiration of activists and communicators for a media more focused on social issues
The event will be on the 25th January, in the in Dante Barone Auditorium at the Congress building of Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre City. The FMML represents a place for mutual support among independent media representatives, activists and communicat...
Foro Social Mundial: ¿Qué ha cambiado entre 2001 y 2014?
El Foro Social Temático, que tendrá lugar en Porto Alegre del 21 al 26 de enero, será una oportunidad para hacer, además de otras cosas, un balance de estos trece años de trayectoria del Foro Social Mundial. El objetivo del foro temático no es exacta...
World Social Forum: what has changed from 2001 to 2014?
The Thematic Social Forum, which will take place in Porto Alegre from January 21st to 26th, will be an opportunity to, amongst other things, take account of the thirteen year trajectory of the World Social Forum. The objective of the thematic forum is no...
Journalists in Iraq
The Press Freedom Advocacy Association released its annual report for 2013, highlighting the serious deterioration in the working conditions and the safety of journalists in Iraq over the last year. The Association cited 286 cases of violent acts against j...
[pt_br]FMML divulga el programa[en]FMML program is online
[pt_br]Seminario Internacional del Foro Mundial de Medios Libres Participantes: Brasil (Alquimidia, Ciranda, Imersão Latina, Intervozes, FNDC, Mocambos, Midia Ninja, Fora do Eixo, Mulher e Mídia, Soylocoporti, Pontao Eco/UFRJ, y varios colectivos,...
FMML divulga el programa
Seminario Internacional del Foro Mundial de Medios Libres Participantes: Brasil (Alquimidia, Ciranda, Imersão Latina, Intervozes, FNDC, Mocambos, Midia Ninja, Fora do Eixo, Mulher e Mídia, Soylocoporti, Pontao Eco/UFRJ, y varios colectivos, puntos...
International campaign for Kurdish representation at Geneva II
The signatories expressed support to the peace efforts initiated towards ending the war in Syria that has been going on for almost three years, which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, the displacement of millions more and the destruction...
Dilma coloca em pauta o diálogo com movimentos opostos à copa do mundo
e acordo com decreto publicado no Diário Oficial da União na última quinta-feira (9), a presidente Dilma Rousseff se propõe a discutir novas vias de diálogo com os movimentos sociais contrários a Copa do Mundo. Enquanto isso, diversos grupos articula...