Media reporting on Gaza: Nous accusons

Por mgdCuNk9du

While countries across Europe and North America commemorated military casualties of past and present wars on November 11, Israel was targeting civilians. On November 12, waking up to a new week, readers at breakfast were flooded with heart rending accounts...

On the road towards the World Social Forum Free Palestine

Por mgdCuNk9du

1. International mobilization for the WSF Free Palestine   Delegations from 36 countries from all five continents have already registered for the World Social Forum Free Palestine turning this event into the largest gathering of solidarity and social mov...

#wsfpalestine por todas partes

Por mgdCuNk9du

Del 28 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre, miles de activistas, organizadores, jóvenes, grupos religiosos, sindicatos, músicos, académicos y muchos más, se darán cita en Porto Alegre, Brasil en el primero Foro Mundial Social dedicado exclusivamente a Pale...

#wsfpalestine everywhere

Por mgdCuNk9du

From 28 November through 1 December, thousands of activists, organizers, youth, faith-based groups, trade unions, musicians, academics, and more will converge on Porto Alegre, Brazil for the first ever World Social Forum dedicated exclusively to Palestine....

Letters from the hunger strikes

Por mgdCuNk9du

Message from the Hunger Strikers Edirne F Type Prison Barış Mete, born in 1975 in Malatya: ‘I’ve been in prison for 7 years. I have a year and a half of sentence left. As you knowthe isolation of our leader, Abdullah Öcalan, is intensifying day...

Emergency call by the Kurdish people

Por mgdCuNk9du

The AKP Government’s ongoing pressures such as the arrest operationsagainst Kurds and democrats have created a deep political trauma. It is clear that,these operations amount to a political massacre. Kurdish politicians including MPs,mayors and members o...

Call for solidarity with the Kurdish prisoners in Turkey

Por mgdCuNk9du

‘From 15th October onwards all PKK and PAJK inmates inTurkey and Kurdistan’s prisons will join in the indefinite hunger strike. Rather than respond to the demands of people on hunger strike, the AKP government has attacked prisoners with solita...

What the Kurdish hunger strikers demand

Por mgdCuNk9du

As it is known on 12th September 2012, led by nine Kurdish women prisoners in Diyarbakir E type prison an indefinite and non-alternate hunger strike started. This strike has increased to almost all prisons in Turkey. Right now, there are 63 Kurdish prisone...