May the dances begin. The opening march at the World Social Forum 2011.

Por mgdCuNk9du

The World Social Forum 2011, opened officially yesterday, after days of informal and preparatory events to the biannual convention, with a march that sealed the hopes of success and the excited mood that had been mounting in the Senegalese capital in the p...

Et bien dansez maintenant. La marche d’ouverture du Forum Social Mondial 2011

Por mgdCuNk9du

Traduit par Thomas Ruiz Photos: Hilde C. Stephansen / Ciranda Le Forum Social Mondial 2011, a officiellement débuté, après plusieurs jours de sessions informelles et préparatoires à la convention biannuelle, par une marche qui a scellé les espoirs ...

Towards a prosperous and sovereign Africa

Por Rita Casaro

Translated by Jack Gilbey Still possessing the popularity he enjoyed during eight years of government, the former Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva drew applause from an audience that packed the Place du Souvenir to hear him speak about Afric...

Ice creams, regime change and the search for the registration desk at Dakar

Por mgdCuNk9du

By Taran Khan Dakar Feb 5th 2011 While a bar of chocolate ice cream steadily drips into a puddle from his hand, Abdul Fata, a Bachelors student of English at the Cheikh Anta Diop University campus gives an animated a...

Encontros policêntricos no Fórum Social Mundial

Por Hilde C Stephansen

Traduzido por Fabiana Reis Durante o Fórum Social Mundial (FSM), diferentes grupos irão realizar uma série de encontros policêntricos na Espanha, França e diversas partes do Brasil - incluíindo Belém (PA) e as cidades riograndenses de Pelotas, Port...

Declaración de repudio del asesinato del activista gay ugandés David Kato

Por mgdCuNk9du

Las organizaciones LGBT y de Derechos Humanos abajo firmantes repudiamos el asesinato del activista gay ugandes David Kato, quien fue brutalmente golpeado hasta la muerte el pasado martes 25 de enero de 2011 en su hogar de Kampala, Uganda. Este acto lament...

[en]L’Afrique appelle l’Europe à construire des alternatives[fr]L’Afrique appelle à construire des alternatives

Por Sergio Ferrari, E-Changer

[en]Traduit par Christian Lichiardopol Ce premier dimanche de février débutera, à l’Université Diop de Dakar, la huitième édition « centralisée » du Forum Social Mondial. La métropole sénégalaise, qui compte plus de 3 millions d’habitants...

Refugiados no Senegal participam do FSM

Por Ana Facundes

[caption id="attachment_20619" align="aligncenter" width="534"]Khardiata Sarr, refugiada da Mauritânia[/caption] Khardiata Sarr chegou da Mauritânia há 13 anos, após ter sido violentada juntamente com sua avó, quando já havia perdido pai e mãe na g...