Some considerations for the debate on the renewal of the World Social Forum

Por Gustave Massiah

This text, whose reflections I broadly share, analyses without complaisance the situation of the WSF and emphasizes the limits of the functioning and the responsibilities of the forms of organization. It underlines the frustrations and limits of the proces...

Quelques réflexions pour le débat sur le renouvellement du Forum Social Mondial

Por Gustave Massiah

Ce texte, dont je partage largement les réflexions, analyse sans complaisance la situation du FSM et met l’accent sur les limites du fonctionnement et les responsabilités des formes d’organisation. Il souligne les insatisfactions et les limites du pr...

Otro Foro Social Mundial es posible

Por Lekapo

Desafortunadamente, el coronavirus hará imposible un foro real y festivo. Sin embargo, podemos intentar convertir esto 'malo' en 'bueno' e iniciar un proceso de renovación utilizando el FSM virtual de enero de 2021 como un trampolín para un proceso po...

Another World Social Forum is possible

Por Lekapo

Unfortunately, the coronavirus will make a real and festive forum impossible. Nevertheless, we can try to turn this ‘bad’ into a ‘good’ and start a renewal process by using the virtual WSF of January 2021 into a stepping stone for a real political ...

World Social Forum organizes global meeting against Davos 2021

Por Lekapo

It takes place in connection with the celebration of the start of the WSF in the city of Porto Alegre in Brazil 20 years ago. A meeting place that soon gathered hundreds of thousands in various places around the world. This is a protest against neoliberali...

20 anos depois, Fórum Social Mundial busca reinvenção e retomada do internacionalismo

Por Lekapo

No dia 25 de janeiro de 2001, o Fórum Social Mundial reuniu-se pela primeira vez em Porto Alegre, com o objetivo de se contrapor ao Fórum Econômico Mundial que, desde 1971, reúne a elite do pensamento capitalista internacional na cidade suíça de Davo...

Reflections on the FSM process

Por Lekapo

Twenty years ago, a relatively small group of people and organizations succeeded, thanks to an innovative methodology that was translated into a Charter of Principles, in making the launch of the WSF in Porto Alegre possible. This first edition had the par...

Reflexões sobre o processo do FSM

Por Lekapo

A primeira edição do FSM contou com a participação de aproximadamente 40mil pessoas e milhares de organizações. Em 2002 tivemos a participação de 100 mil pessoas e em 2003, de 150 mil. Esta metodologia inovadora partiu da visão de que o protagoni...