Detroit: Dying Of Capitalist Proportions

Por Li Onesto

A YouTube video titled "Dying Detroit" takes you on a tour of "neighborhoods literally falling apart"—through streets that look like "a hurricane has recently swept through, destroying nearly everything in its path." Thousands of houses have been aba...

Mass March Opens The US Social Forum

Por Billy Wharton

Day one of the US Social Forum began with a thunderous demonstration through the streets of Detroit. Around 35,000 people representing social movements from throughout the country marched through the Downtown area. There was no united demand from the crowd...

El festín de los chacales

Por Eliades Acosta Matos

Todas las guerras imperialistas, sin excepción, han apelado a pretextos elevados, a principios caballerescos y espirituales, a argumentaciones patrióticas y humanistas para ocultar sus verdaderas motivaciones, por supuesto, groseramente terrenales: búsq...

A Message to Participants at the U.S. Social Forum

Por mgdCuNk9du

In the last few weeks, it has been easy to catch the wave of excitement and inspiration that has been building for the U.S. Social Forum to be held in Detroit June 22-26. As millions of barrels of oil spew into the Gulf of Mexico, thousands of activists a...

José Saramago- perfil do Nobel da Literatura

Por mgdCuNk9du

The Detroit to Dakar Initiative

Por mgdCuNk9du

D2D s an initiative that has brought together Africa-focused organizations from around the U.S, to coordinate activities and enhance participation at the U.S. Social Forum in Detroit June 22 - 26, 2010. The goal of D2D is to promote issues related to Afri...

Barbara Enrenreich opens the UFPJ Assembly

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Barbara Enrenreich will open the UFPJ Assembly Workshop at this week's U.S. Social Forum in Detroit with her analysis and perspectives about the economy, war and possible strategies for the future. The UFPJ organizers consider thar it's an exciting time ...

Por un Tribunal de Conciencia

Por Salvador Aguilar

En el marco del Foro Social de Detroit (será del 22 al 26 de junio ), estamos preparando un video encuentro entre el comité del Tribunal que se encuentra en la Ciudad de México y compañeros de distintas latitudes que estarán p...