Israël : Une éducation dans l’inégalité

Por Mya Guarnieri

Photo : Niv Hachlili - Jérusalem-Est, où les élèves se retrouvent dans des classes surchargées, ou pas de classes du tout. Exprimant son soutien au projet de loi controversé sur le serment à la loyauté - une législation qui va exiger de tout non...

La campaña contra el Muro invita a 48 horas de cobertura

Por mgdCuNk9du

Únete al Maratón de Medios en contra del apartheid, para ayudar a poner un alto a las prácticas ilegales de la Ocupación en Palestina. Para marcar la semana contra del Muro de Apartheid, del 9 al 16 de Noviembre activistas palestinos e internacionale...

Campaign BDS against the Wall calls for 48 hours non-stop coverage!

Por mgdCuNk9du

To mark this year's Week against the Apartheid Wall from 9 - 16 November, Palestinian and international activists will again mobilize in the streets and organize a series of events across the globe. This mobilization on the ground will be complemented by a...

World Education Forum in Palestine

Por mgdCuNk9du

Press Conference People’s Assembly World Social Forum on Migrations

Por Nelsinho Pombo

At the conclusion of the People’s Assembly of the World Social Forum, participants spoke about the final declaration and the conclusions of the forum. Ivan Forero, of the Coordinator of Studies y Social Movements, talked about the participation of the yo...

People’s Assembly World Social Forum on Migrations

Por Nelsinho Pombo

On Monday, October 11, 2010, the People’s Assembly of the World Social Forum on Migrations convened to agree on a final declaration. The committee presented a declaration to the participants of the assembly, who made comments and suggestions. Eventua...

October 12 -World Social Forum on Migrations and CLOC-ViaCampesina March in Quito

Por Nelsinho Pombo

Farmers and migrants filled the streets of Quito, marching together to mark the end of the World Social Forum on Migrations and the beginning of the Latin American Coordination of Farmers’ Organizations. Alejandra Tucno and Evarista Pacojove, indigenous ...

Education for Liberation/Liberation for Education

Por Feroz Mehdi

Program-Final-AlterInter.doc Program Hotel City Inn Ramallah October 29, 2010 Inaugural session: Education for Liberation/Liberation for Education 1 to 3 PM Oppression never goes away unless there...