BDS: Apelo internacional ao FSM
Chamado para apoiar oficialmente a campanha BDS contra o regime de apartheid israelense Considerando a importância estratégica e constante do apoio dado ao povo palestino pelos Foros Sociais Mundiais; Considerando as conclusões do “Fórum Social Mu...
BDS: Llamado internacional a FSM
Considerando la importancia estratégica y constante del apoyo dado al pueblo palestino por los Foros Sociales Mundiales; Considerando las conclusiones del “Foro Social Mundial por una Palestina Libre”, realizado en Porto Alegre en 2012, que hizo un l...
BDS: International petition to the WSF
Call to endorse the BDS campaign against the Israeli apartheid regime Given the importance of the strategic and constant support to the Palestinian people in the World Social Forums; Given the conclusions of the World Social Forum Free Palestine in Por...
BDS: Pétition internationale au FSM
Attendu l'importance stratégique et constante du soutien au peuple palestinien dans les Forums sociaux mondiaux; Attendu les conclusions du Forum social mondial pour la Palestine libre de Porto Alegre en 2012, qui appelait «au renforcement de la solida...
Call for participation – 5th WFFM
The next edition of the World Forum of Free Media (WFFM) will take place in Montreal from August 7 to 14 within the framework of the World Social Forum (WSF). The first two days will be dedicated to the WFFM while the other activities will be included in t...
Golpe e retrocessos no Brasil
Queridos(as) amigos e amigas. Vivemos hoje uma manhã triste, marcada pela suspensão do exercício do mandato da Presidenta Dilma Rousseff, em um ataque à nossa jovem democracia. É também um golpe contra as políticas sociais de um ciclo de governos e...
Coup and setbacks in Brazil
Dear friends We've just lived today a sad morning marked by the mandate of the suspension of President Dilma Rousseff, in an attack on our young democracy. It is also a coup against the social policies headed by the governments cycle in which Brazil was...
Seminar in Montreal : “Conservative media and the Brazilian coup d’état”
Tuesday, April 26th 2016 : 5pm to 6h30pmRetour ligne automatique McGill University - Ferrier Building Room 230 Retour ligne automatique 840 Dr Penfield In recent months, Brazil has erupted in an economic and political crisis that has seen daily demonstrat...