WCC addresses mining and extraction issues at World Social Forum
These concerns emerged in a World Council of Churches (WCC) workshop at the World Social Forum held in Tunis, Tunisia, from 26 to 30 March. The workshop titled “From eco-debt to eco-justice: mining, reparations and defending the global commons” engage...
Celebrating Multilinguism at the World Social Forum
Would you deem yourself able to understand – even partially – the general meaning of a text written in a language you know nothing about (except maybe its existence) such as Basque, Estonian, Hungarian or Turkish? Of course you can! This was the inten...
El FSM respira aires revolucionarios en el mundo árabe
Cuando el Foro Social Mundial nació en el 2001, en la ciudad “gaúcha” de Porto Alegre, en el sur de Brasil, era difícil imaginar un encuentro igual teniendo lugar en la República Tunecina. El FSM proponía otro mundo posible engendrado por la socie...
Assembleia de Mulheres: vozes da diversidade
A assembleia foi a primeira atividade do Fórum Social Mundial da Tunísia, que foi marcada pela grande participação do movimento de mulheres da região do magreb-machrek. O canto das mulheres agricultoras do Malawi, país localizado na África Oriental...
A Saharawi resource watch group established
The new group said in a statement 9 April 2013 that its aim is to monitor, observe, report and act against the illegal exploitation by the Moroccan authorities and international actors of the natural resources of Western Sahara." "SNRW is mature as an ini...
Trade union exchanges experiences in the World Social Forum
After attending the International Trade Union Meeting in Paris, France, the Metalworkers Union of São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil, also sent a representative to the World Social Forum, held in Tunis, Tunisia, on March 26-30, 2013. At the event, ...
Construire un réseau de radios communautaires dans le monde arabe
Photos: Nathalie Samuel/Ritimo e Bia Barbosa/Intervozes C'est le projet présenté par Steve Buckley, de Comunity Media Solutions, lors du FMML (Forum Mondial des Médias Libres) qui se tient du 24 au 30 mars à Tunis, capitale de la Tunisie. Cet activist...
Assembleia reúne Primavera Árabe em Túnis
Até quem era contra a realização do evento também estava lá, reivindicando seu espaço. Assim se dá a democracia no Fórum. Tem pra tudo e pra todos. O FSM da Tunísia, que ocorreu entre 26 e 30 de março na capital tunisiana, teve na Assembleia um ...