El FSM publica el sitio web y el primer boletín para la edición 2021

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Una tarea sin precedentes para construir un evento mundial para hacer frente a los graves desafíos de la situación en 9 semanas hasta el 25 de enero. Lea aquí y divulgue la Convocatoria inicial para el FSM Virtual: https://wsf2021.net/ Boletim do FSM...

WSF opens website and first newsletter towards the 2021 edition

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

An unprecedented task of building a world event to face the serious challenges of the situation in 9 weeks until January 25. Read here and disclose the initial Call for the Virtual WSF: https://wsf2021.net/ WSF Virtual Newsletter boletin01_wsf2021_engl...

FSM divulga website e primeiro boletim de edição 2021

Por Lekapo

Uma tarefa inédita de construir um evento mundial para enfrentar os graves desafios da conjuntura em 9 semanas até 25 de janeiro. Leia aqui e divulgue a Convocatória inicial para o FSM Virtual: https://wsf2021.net/ Boletim do FSM Virtual boletin01_ws...

Tentative of observation and comment on the WSF process November 7 2020

Por Lekapo

A call has been formulated and any day soon also in more detail a hybrid both physical and virtual WSF during a week in the end of January will be announced. Starting with a day of action all over the world preferably outdoor if possible but otherwise in ...

Pessoas do nove países amazônicos estão em defesa da vida

Por Lekapo

Com a participação de mais de 1300 pessoas, várias comunidades e organizações da Colômbia, Brasil, Equador, Peru, Venezuela, Bolívia, Suriname, Guiana e Guiana Francesa – os nove países da Bacia Amazônica – e outros territórios que reconhecem...


Por Gustave Massiah

International networks of alterglobalist movements The pandemic and climate crisis has upset situations and equilibria; it calls into question international solidarity. To a crisis that is by definition global, the responses have been mainly national and ...


Por Gustave Massiah

Les réseaux internationaux de mouvements altermondialistes La crise de la pandémie et du climat a bouleversé les situations et les équilibres ; elle interroge la solidarité internationale. A une crise par définition mondiale, les réponses ont été...

Guiding Principles for Holding WSF Events

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Introduction The World Social Forum is not an organisation. It is a space, a platform for those who adhere to its Charter of Principles (CoP). The International Council and its Commissions merely guide and enlarge the processes and events undertaken under...