Army and settlers attack Palestinians

Por Ahmad Jaradat

In the nearby town of Halhul, Israeli forces clashed with Palestinians near the home of Marwan Kawasmeh, who is a suspect in the abduction and killing of the settlers. Soldiers used crowd dispersion methods, such as tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets...

O conceito de deserto revisitado

Por Sucena Shkrada Resk

Depois de andar no trecho de praia da comunidade da Ilha de Superagui, onde fica o Parque Nacional de mesmo nome, pequenas piscinas de água salgada começaram a aparecer, com peixes minúsculos, e eu estava prestes a chegar na “curva” que iria me dire...

Chamado dos movimentos sociais a mobilizar para o próximo Fórum Social Mundial, Túnez 2015

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Estimad@s amig@s Em sua última reunião em Casablanca, em dezembro de 2014, o Conselho Internacional decidiu orgnizar a próxima edição do Fórum Social Mundial em Tunis. Esta decisão foi tomada depois de uma avaliação da organização e do impact...

Israeli army continues attacks on Hebron area

Por Ahmad Jaradat

Soldiers invaded Hebron/Photo: Hebron Defence Committee Israel continues its military campaign against residents of the Hebron district, the largest and most populated area in the occupied West Bank. Over 100 soldiers entered the al Aroub refugee camp on ...

Llamado de los movimientos sociales a movilizar para el próximo Foro Social Mundial, Túnez 2015

Por mgdCuNk9du

Estimad@s amig@s En su última reunión en Casablanca en diciembre de 2014, el Consejo Internacional tomó la decisión de organizar la próxima edición del Foro Social Mundial de 2015 de nuevo en Túnez. Esta decisión fue tomada después de una evalua...

37 Palestinians arrested, Ban Ki Moon expresses concern

Por Ahmad Jaradat

Israeli forces detained 37 Palestinians overnight Sunday in the West Bank as the search and arrest operation launched against Hamas continues into its 11th day. According to Israeli military sources, "the focus of the scans and searches will be centered no...

Six Palestinians killed in Israeli military operations

Por Ahmad Jaradat

Photo: VOA/Israeli troops in the northern West Bank village of Kabatiya on 22 June 21 year old Mustafa Aslan was killed in the Qalandia refugee camp, south of Ramallah, when protesting Israeli operations within the camp on Friday June 20. On the same da...

أوضاع حرية الرأي والتعبير في البلدان العربية

Por Haidi A. El Tayeb

مرت نحو ثلاثة سنوات على الإعصار الذي اندلع في تونس وطال كافة البلدان العربية بدرجات متفاوتة، ونجح فأسقط نظم استبدادية، ودفع إلى واجهة الحرا...