Israeli attack condemned

In a cowardly and murderous attack, Israeli defence forces opened fire early
Monday morning (31/5) on members of an international humanitarian mission
resulting in several deaths, apart from the high number of injuries. The
attack which took place in international waters was carried out to impede the
expedition from bringing together 750 activists from around 60 countries, and a
convoy of six vessels from reaching the port of Gaza, in Palestinian territory
under the control of Israeli military.


The Free Gaza Flotilla, as this peaceful initiative is commonly known, was
carrying 10 tons of provisions, medicine, and other essential products intended
to relieve the suffering 1 million suffering Palestinian habitants living in
inhumane conditions in the Gaza Strip. There were no weapons on board the

All over the world demonstrations denouncing this brutal crime have multiplied,
as it is an insult to international law and to the most fundamental principles
of humanity. Several governments, such as those of Turkey and Greece, have
already withdrawn their ambassadors from Israel, while in many European cities
and in the Middle East crowds have taken to the streets to express their

For Brazilians the slaughter brings one more reason for concern – the presence
of members of the mission and film maker Iara Lee. The Brazilian government
issued a statement expressing its “shock and distress” regarding the attack and
at the same time called upon the Israeli ambassador in Brasilia for

The military action against unarmed civilians is an incomprehensible outrage to
all those who respect the universal values of justice and human dignity and is
part of the genocidal policy being continuously carried out by Israel.

In the face of this crime which cannot go unanswered, we the Palestinian peoples
defence call on all to denounce these actions this Tuesday at 5:00pm at the
MASP*. Soon afterwards we will call a meeting at Mesquita Brasil, on Avenida do
Estado and Rua Barão de Jaguar.

Translation by: Alexander Alva

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