[en] Canadians starts their BDS Marathon [pt]Canadenses aderem à campanha BDS

This Friday (October 16), activists for the BDS Marathon occupied the street outside the Israeli consulate in Toronto,
carrying banners and signs to say”If you want to arrest the BDS movement, you have to catch us all!”

They demonstrate against the arrests of Palestinian human rights activists after Stop the Wall called on people all over the world to join the Global BDS Marathon on October 16 and 17. Israeli arrests aim at stopping grassroots activism and the global call for Israeli accountability in front of international courts and through boycott, divestment and sanction (BDS) campaigns.

At evening, Toronto’s activists promoted an opening session of “Israel / Palestine: Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Teach”. A special presentation has made about Mohammad Othman and other Palestinian political prisoners.[pt] Nesta sexta (16), ativistas da Maratona BDS ocuparam a rua em frente ao consultado israelense em Toronto, levando bandeiras e símbolos da campanha para dizer: “Se querem prender o movimento BDS, prendam a todos nós”

Eles protestaram contra as prisões de palestinos ativistas dos direitos humanos, atendendo ao chamado de Stop the Wall para que pessoas em todo mundo se juntem à maratona desta sexta e sábado. As prisões feitas por Israel tem o objetivo de barrar o ativismo nas ruas, o chamado global para que Israel seja levado às cortes internacionais e as campanhas por boicote, corte de investimento e sanções (BDS em inglês).