[en] Consultation towards Nairobi[pt_br]Consulta rumo a Nairobi [fr]Consulation préparatoire à Nairobi [es] Consulta rumbo a Nairobi


Foto: African Mask, Ralph Sirianni

Dear friend, participant of the World Social Forum process:

The 7th World Social Forum – to be held from January 20 to 25, in Nairobi (Kenya) – faces now the challenge of being even more linked to concrete actions to build “another possible world”.

This concern has been constantly expressed on various meetings of the WSF International Council and evaluations made about WSF process. What we have been looking for is to accomplish one of WSF aims, stated on its Charter of Principles: The World Social Forum is an open meeting place for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of experiences and interlinking for effective action.

This is the why this preparatory consultation is being launched.

It gives continuity to the methodological options, which started to be adopted in 2004, during WSF 2005 preparation, in order to improve process and event “architecture”. On that Forum, it resulted on the definition of 11 thematic terrains around which 2,000 activities were carried out- all of them were self-organized, corresponding to another advance compared to the events organized before.

But the 2004 consultation had a thematic character. In this one, we want to move a step forward.

Now what we request to you is to indicate the actions, campaigns and struggles in which your organization/network/entity is engaged.

The proposal is to organize the 7th Forum around those actions, campaigns and struggles, aggregating, on the different Forum spaces, the activities linked to them, as well as the activities that have no direct link with them – to be indicated during the moment of activities registration – but related to the same by their themes.

This will make more visible the concrete actions born on the Forum process or those who gave sequence or more density to others that had been developed before or outside WSF, as well as its effective political results. This will also stimulate the interconnection among organizations in which we are engaged on the struggles for constructing a fair, egalitarian, democratic, participative and sustainable society.

This proposal – and the execution of this preparatory consultation – was approved by the WSF International Council, based on a proposal made by its Methodology Commission, in its meeting held in March 2006, in Nairobi.

We tried to simplify the questions on the consultation form at maximum, in order to make easier to answer to it. As soon as you do it, better conditions we will have to prepare the WSF 2007 adequately. The deadline to send your answers is July 30th, 2006.

In order to fill in the consultation questionnaire, please access the website: http://consultation.wsf2007.org/. Organizations who have registered on the Polycentric WSF 2006 website (www.wsf2006.org) are not required to fill in all the forms again. They can access the site http://consultation.wsf2007.org/ using the same username and password from the polycentric 2006 site above mentioned and then, click on the top menu “Consultation on actions, campaigns and struggles” > “Add new”. Up to now, the site is only in English. But soon it will be available also in French and Castellano/Spanish.

For further information on the event in Nairobi, please visit the site: www.socialforum.or.ke.[pt_br]

Foto: Máscara Africana, Ralph Sirianni

Prezado/a amigo/a participante do processo do Fórum Social Mundial

O 7º Fórum Social Mundial – já marcado para ocorrer entre 20 e 25 de janeiro de 2007, em Nairobi (Quênia) – tem diante de si o desafio de ser ainda mais ligado às ações concretas para construir o “outro mundo possível”.

Esta preocupação vem sendo repetidamente levantada nas reuniões do Conselho Internacional do FSM e nas avaliações que se fazem sobre o processo do Fórum. O que se busca é realizar efetivamente um dos seus objetivos finais, explicitado na sua Carta de Princípios: “O Fórum Social Mundial é um espaço aberto de encontro para o aprofundamento da reflexão, o debate democrático de idéias, a formulação de propostas, a troca livre de experiências e a articulação para ações eficazes”.

Por isso está sendo lançada esta consulta preparatória.

Ela dá continuidade a uma opção metodológica que começou a ser adotada em 2004 para preparar o Fórum de 2005, visando aprimorar a “arquitetura” do evento e do processo. Seu resultado foi a definição, nesse Fórum, de 11 áreas temáticas, nas quais se desenvolveram as 2 mil atividades nele realizadas – todas autogestionadas, o que correspondeu a outro avanço em relação aos Fóruns anteriores.

Mas a consulta de 2004 tinha um caráter temático. Na presente consulta queremos dar um passo adiante.

O que agora lhe pedimos é que nos indique as ações, campanhas e lutas em que sua organização está empenhada.

A proposta é a de que organizemos o 7º. Fórum em torno dessas ações, campanhas e lutas, aglutinando, nos diferentes espaços do Fórum, as atividades vinculadas a essas ações, campanhas e lutas, assim como as atividades que não tenham vínculos diretos com as mesmas – a serem indicadas no momento da inscrição de atividades – mas com elas se relacionem pela temática que abordem.

Com isso se tornarão mais visíveis as ações concretas que nasceram no processo do Fórum ou que deram continuidade ou mais densidade a outras que se desenvolviam antes ou fora dele, bem como seus resultados políticos efetivos. E se estimulará a que avancem as articulações entre nossas organizações, na luta em que estamos todos empenhados pela construção de uma sociedade justa, igualitária, respeitadora da diversidade, solidária, democrática, participativa e sustentável.

Essa proposta – e a realização desta consulta preparatória – foi aprovada pelo Conselho Internacional do FSM, a partir de sugestão de sua Comissão de Metodologia, em sua reunião realizada em março deste ano em Nairóbi.

Buscou-se simplificar ao máximo as questões colocadas no questionário, para facilitar sua resposta. Quanto mais rápida ela for, melhores condições teremos de preparar adequadamente o Fórum de 2007. A data limite para enviar suas respostas é 30 de julho de 2006.

Para preencher o questionário da consulta, acesse o site: http://consultation.wsf2007.org/. As organizações que se cadastraram na página do FSM 2006 policêntrico (www.wsf2006.org) não precisarão preencher o formulário com seus dados novamente. Elas deverão entrar no site http://consultation.wsf2007.org/ com o login e senha utilizados para os eventos policêntricos de 2006 e, em seguida, acessar a opção “Consultation on actions, campaigns and struggles” > “Add new”. Por enquanto, o site está somente em inglês, mas logo estará disponível também em francês e castelhano.

Para mais informações sobre o evento em Nairóbi, visite o site: www.socialforum.or.ke[es] Estimado/a amigo/a participante del proceso del Foro social Mundial,

El 7º Foro Social Mundial – que tendrá lugar entre 20 y 25 de enero de 2007, en Nairobi (Kenia) – tiene ante sí el desafío de estar aún más vinculado a las acciones concretas para construir el “otro mundo posible”.

Esta preocupación está siendo discutida en las reuniones del Consejo Internacional del FSM y en las evaluaciones que se realizan sobre el proceso del Foro. Lo que se busca es lograr efectivamente uno de los objetivos finales, explicado en la Carta de Principios: “el Foro Social Mundial es un espacio abierto de encuentro para la profundización de la reflexión, el debate democrático de ideas, la formulación de propuestas, el libre intercambio de experiencias y la articulación de acciones eficaces”.

Es por ello que se está haciendo esta consulta preparatoria.

Esta consulta da continuidad a una metodología que comenzó a ser utilizada en 2004 para preparar el Foro Social 2005, para perfeccionar la “arquitectura” del evento y del proceso. Su resultado fue la definición, en ese Foro, de 11 áreas temáticas, en las cuales se desarrollaron las 2 mil actividades realizadas – todas autogestionadas, lo que significó otro avance en relación a los Foros precedentes.

Sin embargo, la consulta de 2004 tenía un carácter temático. En la presente consulta queremos dar un paso adelante.

Lo que le pedimos en esta oportunidad es que indique las acciones, campañas y luchas en las que su organización está comprometida.

La propuesta es que organicemos el 7º Foro en torno a esas acciones, campañas y luchas, amalgamando, en los diferentes espacios del Foro, las actividades vinculadas a dichas acciones, campañas y luchas, así como las actividades que no tengan vínculos directos con las mismas – que sean indicadas al momento de la inscripción de actividades – sino que se relacionen con ellas por la temática que aborden.

De esta manera serán más visibles las acciones concretas que nacieron en el proceso del Foro o que dieron continuidad o más fortaleza a otras que se desarrollaron antes o fuera de él, así como sus resultados políticos efectivos. Igualmente se estimulará para que progresen las articulaciones entre nuestras organizaciones, en la lucha en la que todos estamos comprometidos para la construcción de una sociedad justa, igualitaria,
respetuosa de la diversidad, solidaria, democrática, participativa y sustentable.

Esta propuesta – y la realización de esta consulta preparatoria – fue aprobada por el Consejo Internacional del FSM, a partir de la propuesta de su Comisión de Metodología, en su reunión realizada en marzo de este año en Nairobi.

Se buscó simplificar al máximo los puntos colocados en el cuestionario para facilitar su respuesta. Cuanto más rápida sea, tendremos mejores condiciones para preparar adecuadamente el Foro de 2007. La fecha límite para enviar sus respuestas es 30 de julio de 2006.

Para rellenar el cuestionario de la consulta, por favor, entre en el sitio: http://consultation.wsf2007.org/. Organizaciones que ya se han inscrito en el sitio policéntrico del FSM 2006 (www.wsf2006.org) no necesitan rellenar todo una vez más. Ellas pueden acceder al sitio http://consultation.wsf2007.org/ utilizando el mismo login y contraseña del sitio policéntrico de 2006 mencionado arriba y, en seguida, pulsar en el menú “Consultation on actions, campaigns and struggles” > “Add new”. La consulta está disponible en inglés. En breve, estarán en línea las versiones en castellano y en francés.

Para informaciones práticas sobre el evento en Nairobi, por favor, visite el sitio: www.socialforum.or.ke.
[en] Dear friend, participant of the World Social Forum process:

The 7th World Social Forum – to be held from January 20 to 25, in Nairobi (Kenya) – faces now the challenge of being even more linked to concrete actions to build “another possible world”.

This concern has been constantly expressed on various meetings of the WSF International Council and evaluations made about WSF process. What we have been looking for is to accomplish one of WSF aims, stated on its Charter of Principles: The World Social Forum is an open meeting place for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of experiences and interlinking for effective action.

This is the why this preparatory consultation is being launched.

It gives continuity to the methodological options, which started to be adopted in 2004, during WSF 2005 preparation, in order to improve process and event “architecture”. On that Forum, it resulted on the definition of 11 thematic terrains around which 2,000 activities were carried out- all of them were self-organized, corresponding to another advance compared to the events organized before.

But the 2004 consultation had a thematic character. In this one, we want to move a step forward.

Now what we request to you is to indicate the actions, campaigns and struggles in which your organization/network/entity is engaged.

The proposal is to organize the 7th Forum around those actions, campaigns and struggles, aggregating, on the different Forum spaces, the activities linked to them, as well as the activities that have no direct link with them – to be indicated during the moment of activities registration – but related to the same by their themes.

This will make more visible the concrete actions born on the Forum process or those who gave sequence or more density to others that had been developed before or outside WSF, as well as its effective political results. This will also stimulate the interconnection among organizations in which we are engaged on the struggles for constructing a fair, egalitarian, democratic, participative and sustainable society.

This proposal – and the execution of this preparatory consultation – was approved by the WSF International Council, based on a proposal made by its Methodology Commission, in its meeting held in March 2006, in Nairobi.

We tried to simplify the questions on the consultation form at maximum, in order to make easier to answer to it. As soon as you do it, better conditions we will have to prepare the WSF 2007 adequately. The deadline to send your answers is July 30th, 2006.

In order to fill in the consultation questionnaire, please access the website: http://consultation.wsf2007.org/. Organizations who have registered on the Polycentric WSF 2006 website (www.wsf2006.org) are not required to fill in all the forms again. They can access the site http://consultation.wsf2007.org/ using the same username and password from the polycentric 2006 site above mentioned and then, click on the top menu “Consultation on actions, campaigns and struggles” > “Add new”. Up to now, the site is only in English. But soon it will be available also in French and Castellano/Spanish.

For further information on the event in Nairobi, please visit the site: www.socialforum.or.ke.

[it] Dear friend, participant of the World Social Forum process:

The 7th World Social Forum – to be held from January 20 to 25, in Nairobi (Kenya) – faces now the challenge of being even more linked to concrete actions to build “another possible world”.

This concern has been constantly expressed on various meetings of the WSF International Council and evaluations made about WSF process. What we have been looking for is to accomplish one of WSF aims, stated on its Charter of Principles: The World Social Forum is an open meeting place for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of experiences and interlinking for effective action.

This is the why this preparatory consultation is being launched.

It gives continuity to the methodological options, which started to be adopted in 2004, during WSF 2005 preparation, in order to improve process and event “architecture”. On that Forum, it resulted on the definition of 11 thematic terrains around which 2,000 activities were carried out- all of them were self-organized, corresponding to another advance compared to the events organized before.

But the 2004 consultation had a thematic character. In this one, we want to move a step forward.

Now what we request to you is to indicate the actions, campaigns and struggles in which your organization/network/entity is engaged.

The proposal is to organize the 7th Forum around those actions, campaigns and struggles, aggregating, on the different Forum spaces, the activities linked to them, as well as the activities that have no direct link with them – to be indicated during the moment of activities registration – but related to the same by their themes.

This will make more visible the concrete actions born on the Forum process or those who gave sequence or more density to others that had been developed before or outside WSF, as well as its effective political results. This will also stimulate the interconnection among organizations in which we are engaged on the struggles for constructing a fair, egalitarian, democratic, participative and sustainable society.

This proposal – and the execution of this preparatory consultation – was approved by the WSF International Council, based on a proposal made by its Methodology Commission, in its meeting held in March 2006, in Nairobi.

We tried to simplify the questions on the consultation form at maximum, in order to make easier to answer to it. As soon as you do it, better conditions we will have to prepare the WSF 2007 adequately. The deadline to send your answers is July 30th, 2006.

In order to fill in the consultation questionnaire, please access the website: http://consultation.wsf2007.org/. Organizations who have registered on the Polycentric WSF 2006 website (www.wsf2006.org) are not required to fill in all the forms again. They can access the site http://consultation.wsf2007.org/ using the same username and password from the polycentric 2006 site above mentioned and then, click on the top menu “Consultation on actions, campaigns and struggles” > “Add new”. Up to now, the site is only in English. But soon it will be available also in French and Castellano/Spanish.

For further information on the event in Nairobi, please visit the site: www.socialforum.or.ke.[fr]Cher(e) ami(e) participant(e) du processus du Forum Social Mondial,

Le 7ème Forum Social Mondial – qui aura lieu du 20 au 25 janvier 2007, à Nairobi (Kenya) – doit relever le défi d’être encore plus lié aux actions concrètes pour la construction de « l’autre monde possible ».

Cette préoccupation a été plusieurs fois soulevée lors des réunions du Conseil International du FSM et des évaluations qui ont été réalisées sur le processus du Forum. Ce que l’on cherche à réaliser effectivement constitue un des objectifs explicité dans la Charte de Principes du Forum: « Le Forum Social Mondial est un lieu ouvert de rencontre pour l’approfondissement de la réflexion, le débat démocratique d’idées, l’élaboration de propositions, le libre échange d’expériences et l’articulation pour des actions efficaces ».

C’est pour cela que l’on entreprend aujourd’hui cette consultation préparatoire.

Elle a pour but de donner suite à une option méthodologique adoptée en 2004, lors de la préparation du Forum 2005, option visant à améliorer « l’architecture » de l’événement et du processus. Le résultat a été la définition de 11 espaces thématiques, dans lesquels ont été développé les deux mille activités réalisées autogérées, ce qui a constitué un réel progrès par rapport aux Forums précédents.

La consultation de 2004 avait une caractère thématique. Avec la présente consultation, nous voulons franchir une nouvelle étape.

Ce que nous vous demandons maintenant, c’est d’indiquer les actions, campagnes et luttes dans lesquelles votre organisation est engagée. L’idée est d’organiser le 7ème Forum autour de ces actions, campagnes et luttes, en rassemblant sur les différents espaces du Forum les activités liées à ces actions, campagnes et luttes, de même que les activités qui ne présentent pas de liens directs avec elles – celles-ci doivent être indiquées au moment de l’inscription d’activités – mais qui y sont liées par la thématique abordée.

De cette façon, les actions concrètes nées lors du déroulement du Forum deviendront plus visibles. Gagneront aussi en visibilité, les actions qui ont assuré la poursuite, l’intensification et les résultats politiques effectifs des autre actions qui se sont développées avant ou en dehors du Forum. Ainsi les articulations entre nos organisations seront renforcées dans la construction d’une société juste, égalitaire, respectueuse de la diversité, solidaire, démocratique, participative et durable.

Cette proposition – et la réalisation de cette consultation préparatoire – ont été ratifiées par le Conseil International du FSM, à partir d’une suggestion de sa Commission de Méthodologie, lors de la réunion en mars de cette année à Nairobi.

Nous avons cherché à simplifier au maximum les questions de l’enquête ci-dessous pour rendre vos réponses plus faciles. Plus rapidement seront renvoyées les réponses, meilleures seront les conditions de préparation du Forum 2007. La date limite d’envoi des réponses est fixée au 30 juillet 2006.

Pour remplir le questionnaire de la consultation, s’il vous plaît, accedez au site web : http://consultation.wsf2007.org/. Les organisations que se sont déjà enregistrées sur le site du FSM 2006 Polycentrique (www.wsf2006.org) n’ont pas besoin de remplir tous les formulaires encore un fois. Ils peuvent acceder au site http://consultation.wsf2007.org/ avec le même Nom d’utilisateur et mot de passe utilisés sur le site du FSM polycentrique 2006. Cliquez ensuite sur le menu “Consultation on actions, campaigns and struggles” > “Add new”. La consultation est disponible qu’en anglais. Sous peu, elle pourra aussi se faire en espagnol et français.

Pour avoir des renseignements pratiques sur le Forum de Nairobi, visitez le site: www.socialforum.or.ke

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