
Brazilian Indigenous Peoples Protest Against Illegal Mining
The Indigenous people mobilized peacefully along the Esplanade of the Ministries until they reached the Mines and Energy Ministry, where they used mud and red paint to represent the death caused by illegal mining. Brazilian flags and gigantic boxes simula...

Constitutional Convention Declares Chile a Plurinational State
Approved with the favorable vote of 19 out of 25 members of the Commission, the new norm emerged after reviewing citizen petitions that demanded to include in the constitutional draft the Indigenous peoples' right to self-determination and self-government....

EE.UU. desconoce paradero de 1.500 niñas y niños migrantes
En abril pasado, el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS, por su sigla en inglés) de Estados Unidos, encargado de la atención de menores de edad migrantes que llegan solos al país, reconoció ante el Congreso que la agencia perdió el rastro d...