Action Alert: Stop the Wall offices raided by Israeli military

Por Stop the wall

Tuesday 8th May 2012 By Stop the Wall At 1.30am this morning ten armoured jeeps of the Israeli occupation forces and intelligence surrounded and raided the offices of Stop the Wall in Ramallah. Israeli military stole 2 laptops, 3 hard drives and 10 memor...

Al Hadidiye to be demolished once again:

Por Stop the wall

While the international community discusses Palestinian statehood, on the ground Israel is continuing the ethnic cleansing and colonization of Palestine with a further displacement push in the Jordan Valley. Al Hadidiye is a Bedouin community of some 112 ...

[es] Liberdad para Jamal Juma [en] Free Jamal Juma’

Por Stop the wall

Acciones Recomendadas: * Animar sus miembros a unirse a esta campaña a través de peticiones, manifestaciones y/o escribiendo cartas y haciendo llamadas telefónicas. Favor de brindarles información de contacto y detalles. * Instar a sus repre...

[en]Jamal Juma’, member of the International Council of the WSF, is in Israeli jail[pt] Jamal Juma, membro do Conselho Internacional do FSM, está na prisão de Israel[es]Jamal Juma, membro del Consejo Internacional del FSM ha sido arestado por Israel

Por Stop the wall

[EN]Jamal Juma' was arrested by Israeli authorities on December 16. This arrest follows the imprisonment of Mohammad Othman, another Stop the Wall activist, and Abdallah Abu Rahmeh, a leading figure in the Bil'in popular committee against the Wall, as well...

[en]Join the first global BDS Marathon! [pt]Participe da maratona BDS

Por Stop the wall

[en] Stop the Wall called on all people all over the world to mobilize for Israeli accountability in front of international courts and through boycott, divestment and sanction (BDS) campaigns. Their members and another organizations called for two days of ...

[en]The BDS Marathon’s message [pt]A mensagem da Maratona BDS

Por Stop the wall

[en] Israeli arrests of Palestinian human rights activists aim at stopping grassroots activism and the global call for Israeli accountability in front of international courts and through boycott, divestment and sanction (BDS) campaigns. We therefore call o...