World Free Media Forum Organizations Call on ICC to Investigate Shireen’s Death

In a note read in the Nakba Acts, on May 15, 2022, the following organizations, wich are members of the World Forum of Free Media –, Intervozes, Jornalistas Livres, Brasil de Fato, Monitor do Oriente Médio/Middle East Monitor (MEMO Brasil), E-Joussour, – joined to the appeals of the The Palestinian Journalists Union (PJS), the Brazilian National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IJF) and its national affiliated unions, so that the murder of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh be independently investigated and included in the investigations of the International Criminal Court.

The Hague Court had already been called by the IJF to investigate Israel’s crimes against journalists who cover the occupation’s operations. The death of Shireen, with a clear shot to the head, when she was wearing protective equipment and a vest indicating that she was a professional press,was the most recent case of murder of a journalist by Israeli soldiers.

The Palestinian Journalists Union (PJS) said this crime was “deliberate and planned to murder her”. The professionals’ entity revealed that she was with other journalists, in an area where there were no clashes with Palestinians, nor other people in the place, when the group was deliberately targeted by Israeli snipers.

The international organization Reporters Without Borders, wich monitors and denounces violence against journalists around the world, Reporters Without Borders, also expressed its doubts about Israel’s intention to participate in the investigation of the crime. The organization warns that “An independent international investigation must be launched as soon as possible.”

“On this day when Palestinians, in their land and in the Diaspora, remember the 74th anniversary of the Nakba – expulsion of Palestinians and destruction of villages for the installation of the State of Israel, the Brazilian organizations of the FMML `reinforce the IJF’s appeal to the Court of The Hague to have Shireen’s death and the deliberate killings of Palestinian journalists by Israeli forces investigated as war crimes.”, says the note.

May 15, 2022

The note was distributed with the support of:

Amigos de Palestina – Latin America
Fórum Latino Palestino – Latin America
Liga de Parlamentarios por Al-Quds – Internacional
Frente em Defesa do Povo Palestino – Brasil
BDS Brasil (organizations)
World Forum on Free Palestine (organizations)
Forum Mondial des Alternatives (FMAS)


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