EBC Citizenship Ombudsman launch Report on Social Forum of Resistances

EBC Citizenship Ombudsman launch on Thursday (27th of January) the 2021
Report, the Public Communication Library and the Interactive Historical Map of EBC
vehicles. The event will be on-line, during the Social Forum of Resistances and the World
Social Forum Justice and Democracy 2022.
It is a civil society initiative, in defense of the Brazilian Public Service Broadcaster
and public communication in general. EBC Citizenship Ombudsman is composed of civil
society members whose participation in the company has been unjustifiably suppressed
and it consolidates a space for the debate about public communication in the country.
The initiative emerged with the launch of the first report, in December 2020,
which analyzes the content published and broadcast by EBC, according to the principles
of public communication, that should guide the production of TV Brasil, Nacional and
MEC radios, Agência Brasil and Radioagência Nacional, as well as the profiles and posts
of these vehicles on social networks.
Its website was launched at the beginning of 2021, and it served as a relevant
platform to share our analysis and complaints, about misleads and irregularities
committed inside EBC. In 2021, 33 content analyses, four signed articles and four public
notes were published, in addition to news and support notes published by other entities.
This report brings the reviews of the interviews and statements made by president
Jair Bolsonaro that were broadcasted without counterpoint, despite the numerous
disinformation spread by him; poor coverage of anti-government demonstrations;
coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic, which propagated denialist discourses, putting the
population’s health at risk and propagating fake news; the disrespect for religious diversity
by broadcasting the soap opera Os Dez Mandamentos, a private broadcast network’s
production already aired repeatedly; the return of the reformulated program Sem Censura
to interview ministers and pro-government personalities; and the use of journalism to
cover topics without public interest.
But to be fair with the workers, the document must also point out EBC’s good
productions in 2021. Some examples are the special news report on the centenary of
playwright Maria Clara Machado; the EBC´s Collection; the coverage of the two-year
Brumadinho´s tragedy; the program Caminhos da Reportagem; and the fact that the radio
stations Nacional AM is now available on the FM band in new cities.
EBC, as a public communication company, has faced recurrent censorship and
inappropriate interference under the management of the current federal government, and
it was recently included in the National Privatization Program. Nevertheless, 2021 was a
very productive year for those who have resisted the dismantling of the company.
Members of the Front in Defense of EBC and Public Communication articulated,
with other entities, support against the company’s privatization and to arise consciousness
among congressmen about the constitutional mission of EBC, including public hearings
on the subject at the Congress, the National Council of Human Rights (CNDH), at the
Brazilian Press Association (ABI). Besides, the Brazilian Society for the Progress of
Science (SBPC), the Public Media Alliance (PMA), the International Association for
Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and the Organización Interamericana de
Defensoras y Defensores de las Audiencias (OID) made public statements defending the
maintenance and autonomy of EBC.
Surveys about the misuse of EBC vehicles were sent to the Senate’s Pandemia
CPI, as well as to the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). EBC’s Citizenship Ombudsman
also denounced the censorship that the official EBC’s Ombudsman started to suffer from
EBC’s own management and Directors’ Board in 2021.
The survey about the interruptions in TV Brasil scheduling to transmit live
broadcast events with president Bolsonaro had a lot of repercussions in the media as well
as the denunciation of the use of “artificial intelligence” to translate Agência Brasil’s
articles from Portuguese into Spanish and English during the company’s workers’ strike,
in the second semester of 2021, which affected 100% of the foreign-speaking staff.
This report brings you a sample of what was published by EBC’s Citizenship
Ombudsman throughout the year. Full texts and analyzis in Portuguese are available at
In addition to the second report, EBC’s Citizenship Ombudsman launch the Public
Communication Library (https://ouvidoriacidadaebc.org/category/biblio/) and the
Interactive Historical Map (https://ouvidoriacidadaebc.org/mapa-interativo-historico-daebc/). The library provides reading references on public communication, EBC and its
vehicles, with download links. The Map is the result of Akemi Nitahara’s master’s
research at UFRJ, a member of the extinct EBC´s Curator Council, and it brings a timeline
with the historical and legal milestones of the company’s vehicles.
It’s never late to remember: EBC does not belong to the government! EBC belongs
to Brazilian society and we are going to fight to keep it that way.
EBC Citizenship Ombudsman 2021 Report, the Public Communication Library and the
Interactive Historical Map of EBC vehicles launch
January 27 (Thursday), 4 pm (Brasilia time, 7 pm GMT)
FNDC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fndc.br/
E-mail: ouvidoriacidadaebc@gmail.com
Tereza Cruvinel – journalist and first EBC’s director-president
Desilon Daniels – Public Media Alliance
Rita Freire – former EBC’s Curator Council’s chairman
Akemi Nitahara – EBC Employees Committee
Joseti Marques – former EBC ombudsman and OID’s charmain
Mariana Martins – LapCom

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