Map of alternatives in India invites people to connect and contribute

Vikalp Sangam Map

The Vikalp Sangam Map provides readers, researchers, students and practitioners with a user-friendly tool to navigate through stories, case studies, films and perspectives on numerous ongoing alternative initiatives in India. These initiatives range across food, environment, health, politics, culture, education, governance and many more subjects.

As the scale of many of these initiatives is small, many of them go unnoticed in the eyes of concerned citizens and researchers. The Map collects stories of alternatives in order to increase visibility with the aim of interlinking them and initiating conversations of sharing experiences and learning. It therefore, is a virtual medium to get information, connect with other groups working on similar issues and build confluences.

A Vikalp Sangam team manages the Map, to find out more please click here. Vikalp Sangam is a platform for networking of groups and individuals working on alternatives to the currently dominant model of development and governance, in various spheres of life. Its major activity is the convening of regional and thematic Confluences across India, and documentation and dissemination of alternative initiatives.

What is an Alternative?

Alternatives can be practical activities, policies, processes, technologies, and concepts/frameworks, that lead us to equity, justice, and sustainability. They can be practiced or proposed/propagated by communities, government, civil society organizations, individuals, and social enterprises, amongst others. They can simply be continuations from the past, re-asserted in or modified for current times, or new ones; it is important to note that the term does not imply these are always ‘marginal’ or new, but that they are in contrast to the mainstream or dominant system. Not all will be ‘radical’ in all respects, and many may be in transition or be in the nature of reforms but helping to reduce injustic, inequality, unsustainability. For how the Vikalp Sangam process looks at this,

Read More:

and for a tool of self-assessment on how radical and holistic a transformation is:Alternative Transformation Format

What type of information can you find in the Map?

The VS maps stories, case studies, perspectives and videos/films across 11 main categories:

  • Economics And Technologies
  • Energy
  • Environment And Ecology
  • Food And Water
  • Health And Hygiene
  • Knowledge And Media
  • Learning And Education
  • Livelihoods
  • Politics
  • Settlements And Transport
  • Society, Culture And Peace

To connect with us and contribute to the Map please Contact Us.

Parachute Cafe in the Rumbak Village is one of the alternatives in the Vikalp Sangam Map

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